
Splitwise backend clone

Primary LanguageRuby


Find postman docs here -> https://documenter.getpostman.com/view/913809/VUqpvJJ2

Splitsmart Google sheet Examples -> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qf3PellLFuIrTM9aZvC3Azi8b5FLPaIhBopdKKE1sZA/edit?usp=sharing

API backend: https://splitsmart-app.herokuapp.com


  • Create a new expense
    • The expense can be split between any number of users
    • The expense can be paid for by any number of users
    • The expense can be split equally / by percentage / manually
  • View the list of all expenses split with you, regardless of which user created the expense
  • View outstanding balances with all the users you have split expenses with in the past
  • View your overall outstanding balance


Framework: Rails

Language: Ruby 3.0.1

DB: Postgres

Tech Spec

Steps to run:

Create local DB: rails db:create

Migrate local DB: rails db:migrate

Migrate local DB: rails db:seed

Run server: rails s

Run tests rspec

Future Scope:

Add feature support for simplify debts

Add feature support for multiple currencies