Automated Off-By-Slash vulnerability Detection and Exploiter


This project is an automated tool designed to check for and potentially exploit Off-By-Slash vulnerabilities in web applications. It is built using Django and utilizes Celery for real-time output.



Before you begin, ensure you have the following prerequisites installed:

  • Redis Server:
    sudo apt install redis-server
  • Celery:
    sudo apt install celery
  • Start Redis Server:
    sudo systemctl start redis-server
  • Check Redis Server:
    redis-cli ping


  1. Clone the repository:
    git clone
    cd Automated_Off_By_Slash_Detection_and_Exploiter
  2. Set up virtual environment:
    python -m venv env 
    source env/bin/activate
  3. Install dependencies:
    pip install -r requirments.txt
  4. Navigate to the Automated Tool directory:
    cd Automated\ Tool


  1. Start the Django server:

    python runserver
  2. In a new terminal, activate the virtual environment and navigate to the project directory:

    cd Automated_Off_By_Slash_Detection_and_Exploiter
    cd Automated\ Tool
  3. Start the Celery worker:

    celery -A Project worker -l info
  4. Access the application by browsing http://localhost:8000 in your web browser.

  5. Register and login to the application.

  6. Enter the URLs txt file to check or exploit, and specify the output path where vulnerable website data will be stored.

  7. Start the scan.

  8. If vulnerabilities are detected, the website data will be dumped into the specified output path.



Running a Local Vulnerable Website

  1. In a new terminal, navigate to the project directory:
    cd Automated_Off_By_Slash_Detection_and_Exploiter
  2. Navigate to the vulnerable-site directory:
    cd vulnerable-site
  3. Build the Docker image and run the container:
    sudo docker build -t tmp/vulnsite . && sudo docker run --rm -it -p 8001:80 -d tmp/vulnsite
  4. Access the vulnerable website by browsing http://localhost:8001 in your web browser.

Additional Resources

Medium Blog Post: Unveiling the Off-By-One Slash Vulnerability in NGINX Configurations

Tool Installation