Flexible Job-Shop Scheduling Problem

An implementation of An effective genetic algorithm for the flexible job-shop scheduling problem paper


install the dependencies by

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

How to use?

import the FJSP module and the solver module. Currently only available GA for the solver


from fjsp import FJSP, save_as_fig
from ga import GeneticAlgorithm

solver = GeneticAlgorithm()
fjsp = FJSP("dataset.fjs", solver)
resources = fjsp.solve(iter=10, selected_offspring=.7)
save_as_fig('output.png', resources)

Example Output


GeneticAlgorithm.solve(problem: Problem, population_amount=100, gs=.6, ls=.3, rs=.1, parent_selector='tournament', pm=.1, iter=100, selected_offspring=.5) -> List[Resource]

solve the genetic algoritm based on the given problem. Return the decoded best chromosome

Properties Description Default
problem The problem that need to be solved
population_amount the initial population amount 100
gs The fragment amount of global selection for initialitation population 0.6
ls The fragment amount of local selection for initialitation population 0.3
rs The fragment amount of random selection for initialitation population 0.1
parent_selector Parent selection strategy. available value tournament and roullete_wheel tournament
pm Mutation probability 0.1
iter Amount of generation 100
selected_offspring Amount of selected offspring to replace current generation 0.5

Note: make sure gs + ls + rs == 1, otherwise an error will thrown

GeneticAlgorithm.decode_chromosome(chromosome: Chromosome) -> List[Resource]

Decode the given chromosome into list of resources

Properties Description Default
chromosome the given chromosome

GeneticAlgorithm.calculate_fitness(chromosome: Chromosome) -> int

Calculate the fitness of the chromosome. In this problem, this function will calculate the makespan of the problem

Properties Description Default
chromosome the given chromosome

GeneticAlgorithm.evaluate() -> int

Calculate all fitness of the current population and sort them based on the best fitness (ascending)

GeneticAlgorithm.global_selection() -> int

Do global selection to get 1 chromosome

GeneticAlgorithm.local_selection() -> int

Do local selection to get 1 chromosome

GeneticAlgorithm.random_selection() -> int

Do random selection to get 1 chromosome

GeneticAlgorithm.is_valid_chromosome(chromosome: Chromosome) -> bool

Check if the given chromosome is valid or not. This function will check the machine selection part to check if the selected machine is available in the operation or not

Properties Description Default
chromosome the given chromosome

GeneticAlgorithm.fix_chromosome(chromosome: Chromosome) -> Chromosome

Fix the invalid chromosome from is_valid_chromosome. This function will set the invalid machine with the last available machine in that operation

Properties Description Default
chromosome the given chromosome

FJSP.init(dataset: str, solver: Solver)

Read the dataset and set the solver

Properties Description Default
dataset the dataset file in .fjs format
solver the solver


solve the given problem. This function will call the solver solve function

fjsp.save_as_fig(filename: str, resources: List[Resource], width=100, height=9)

save the result from solve function to gantt chart

Properties Description Default
filename the output file
resources the resources result from the solver
width the figure height 100
height the figure width 9

fjsp.save_as_excel(filename: str, resources: List[Resource])

save the result from solve function to excel

Properties Description Default
filename the output file
resources the resources result from the solver


  • in the first line there are (at least) 2 numbers: the first is the number of jobs and the second the number of machines (the 3rd is not necessary, it is the average number of machines per operation)

  • Every row represents one job: the first number is the number of operations of that job, the second number (let's say k>=1) is the number of machines that can process the first operation; then according to k, there are k pairs of numbers (machine,processing time) that specify which are the machines and the processing times; then the data for the second operation and so on...

Example: Fisher and Thompson 6x6 instance, alternate name (mt06)

6   6   1   
6   1   3   1   1   1   3   1   2   6   1   4   7   1   6   3   1   5   6   
6   1   2   8   1   3   5   1   5   10  1   6   10  1   1   10  1   4   4   
6   1   3   5   1   4   4   1   6   8   1   1   9   1   2   1   1   5   7   
6   1   2   5   1   1   5   1   3   5   1   4   3   1   5   8   1   6   9   
6   1   3   9   1   2   3   1   5   5   1   6   4   1   1   3   1   4   1   
6   1   2   3   1   4   3   1   6   9   1   1   10  1   5   4   1   3   1   

first row = 6 jobs and 6 machines 1 machine per operation second row: job 1 has 6 operations, the first operation can be processed by 1 machine that is machine 3 with processing time 1.
