
Deploy `rauchg/slackin` to Now in one command


Deploy Slackin to Now!

Deploying Slackin directly (now rauchg/slackin …) works just fine, however there is a gulp build process that every deployment has to do in that case.

The slackin package in the npm registry has the build files pre-compiled with the package, so when you npm install slackin you don't have to build locally, so that's what this repository does.

There's only the single package.json file, so be sure to read it to understand what's going on!

How to deploy

First, download now. Then, run the following command:

$ now -e SLACK_API_TOKEN="<token>" -e SLACK_SUBDOMAIN="<team-name>" sharebase/sharebase-slackin

The SLACK_API_TOKEN for your Slack team can be found here.

Your SLACK_SUBDOMAIN will be your Slack team name; e.g. if the URL of your Slack team is https://slack-subdomain.slack.com, your SLACK_SUBDOMAIN is slack-subdomain.

Example: https://sharebase-engineering-slackin.now.sh/
