Implement a basic Node.js backend system for an NFT airdrop application using Express.js in TypeScript. This system allows users to generate and redeem codes for NFT airdrops, with a focus on modularizing your code for various routes.
Implement Minimal In-Memory Store(s)
- Develop a simple class to manage airdrop job details (unique redeem code, NFT contract address).
- Functions:
- Generate/store airdrop job details.
- Retrieve airdrop job details by redeem code.
- Mark an airdrop job as redeemed.
Develop Basic API Endpoints
- Endpoint to generate a redeem code for an NFT contract with a specified quantity.
- Endpoint to redeem the NFT using the redeem code and a wallet address.
- [Admin Only] Endpoints to list, retrieve, update, and delete airdrop jobs.
Implement Basic Validation and Error Handling
- Validate inputs for API endpoints.
- Handle errors, such as invalid or already redeemed codes.
Simple API Security
- Implement a basic API Key authentication.
- Role-based access control with two roles:
. Admins have full access, while public users have limited access.
Unit Testing with Jest
- Write unit tests focusing on critical business logic.
Bonus: Integrate a queue system for asynchronous airdrop processing and batch airdrop processing.
Bonus: Implement airdrop function with smart contract interaction using Ethers.js.
- TypeScript and ES6+ code.
- Emphasis on maintainability and understandable code structure.
- Flexibility to modify the provided starter code.
- Functionality: The application should meet the outlined objectives.
- System Design: Look for practicality and simplicity in the overall system architecture, with particular attention to how the code is modularized for different routes.
- Code Quality: Cleanliness, readability, and documentation.
- Modularity and Scalability: Assess how well the solution uses modular design patterns to enhance code scalability and maintenance.
- Testing: Coverage and quality of unit tests.