Language Reference
The Style Sheet of Programming Languages
Describe the formal grammar of each programming language:
- Python
- C
For each language, I will go through the grammar in following order:
- Layout
- Whitespace and indentation
- Braces, brackets, and parentheses (in some languages)
- Comments
- Naming Conventions
- a (single lowercase letter)
- A (single uppercase letter)
- lowercase
- lowercase_with_underscores (snake_case)
- lowercase-with-dash (kebab-case)
- CapitalizedWords (PascalCase)
- capitalizedWordsWithInitialLowercase (camelCase)
- Statements
- Conditional statements
- Loop statements
- Exception handling
- Declarations
- Variables
- Functions
- Constants
- Patterns - depends on language
- Add sphinx support to python stylesheet