
Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


GitHub license Carthage compatible Swift 4.0



  • iOS 9.3+
  • xCode 10


To run the example project, clone the repo, and run ExampleApp scheme from BubbleTabBar.xcodeproj



Make the following entry in your Cartfile:

github "Cuberto/bubble-icon-tabbar"

Then run carthage update.

If this is your first time using Carthage in the project, you'll need to go through some additional steps as explained over at Carthage.


Add content of folder BubbleTabBar/Classes to your project


With Storyboard

  1. Create a new UITabBarController in your storyboard or nib.

  2. Set the class of the UITabBarController to BubbleTabBarController in your Storyboard or nib.

  3. Add a custom image icon and title for UITabBarItem of each child ViewContrroller

  4. If you need cutom color for each tab set CBTabBarItem class to tab bar items and use tintColor property

Without Storyboard

  1. Import BubbleTabBar
  2. Instantiate BubbleTabBarController
  3. Add some child conrollers and don't forget to set them tabBar items with title and image
  4. If you need cutom color for each tab use CBTabBarItem instead of UITabBarItem set tintColor property


Cuberto Design, info@cuberto.com


BubbleTabBar is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.