
Simple Project with ASP.NET Core Basics To Advanced Level Concepts Covered

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Employee Management

Simple Project with ASP.NET Core From Basic Concepts To Advanced Level Concepts Covered.

Will Update this Project as I am progressing.

Progress so far :

  1. Setting up the project
  2. Difference between conventional and Attribute Routing
  3. ViewImport and ViewStart usage and variations to use
  4. Sections inside Razor View ( more details in coming days.. )
  5. Passing data from controller to View using Viewbag and ViewModel and strongly typed view
  6. Details on Startup.cs file
  7. Use of ADDMVC vs. ADDMVC core
  8. Models in ASP.NET
  9. Dependency Injection in ASP.NET Core
  10. Controller & Views
  11. ViewStart and ViewImports usage in ASP.NET Core
  12. Routing
  13. Bootstrap implementation in ASP.NET Core
  14. Tag Helpers
  15. Core Model binding
  16. Core Model validation
  17. AddSingleton vs AddScoped vs AddTransient
  18. EntityFramework Core Installation
  19. Use of DBContext
  20. Repository Pattern Usage
  21. Use of SQL Server with EF CORE
  22. EF Core Migrations
  23. Seed Data EF Core
  24. Edit Action on employees
  25. Error 404 Handling for resopurce not found or URL not found.
  26. Global Exception Handling