This project is designed and developed with the help of -
Udemy course (Appium -Mobile Testing (Android/IOS) from Scratch+Frameworks by Rahul Shetty)
Appium Hybrid Framework with top design patterns designing and implementing Industry Standard frameworks using Appium with TestNG Maven, Jenkins, GitHub, Apache Log4J2, Extent Reports.
- IDE - Intellij, Eciplse
- Maven
- TestNG
- Jenkins
- GitHub
- Extent Report
- Andriod Studio
- Appium Sever
- Appium Inspector
- Appium Client Library
- Node.js
- Git
Explain how users can use your project. Provide examples or code snippets to demonstrate its functionality.
Include any relevant details about the project's usage, such as available commands or features.
List the key features of your project. You can use bullet points for clarity.
- Parallel Execution using TestNG
- Page Object Model Design Pattern
- Screenshot capture on scenario failure
- Supports both Android and iOS
- Supports HTML-Report using Extent Report Plugin for detailed reports
- Integration to Jenkins
- Supports Native,Hybrid and Web
Pull the code into your machine and import in IDE (Eclipse/IntelliJ).
Run as Mvn test
NOTE: Make sure devices (Either Emulator/Simulator or Real-Device) are ready
Project Structure:
Page Object
Android Base
IOS Base
Android ACtions