
Say something with style ;)

Primary LanguageJavaScript

begoo npm versionBuild StatusCoverage StatusKnown Vulnerabilities

Say Something with style ;), It's basically whatever yosay provides plus extra avatars. will be working on this to add more ascii characters. Feel free suggest what would you like to see in the next update I'll try my best to add it.

Like yosay, with some avatars. Special thanks to [sindresorhus] for creating such an awesome script.


$ npm install --save begoo


const begoo = require('begoo');

console.log(begoo('Welcome to Begoo! \n Meow ...'));

    / @ @ \    ╭──────────────────────────╮
   ( > º < )   │     Welcome to Begoo!    │
    `>>x<<´    │         Meow ...         │
    /  O  \    ╰──────────────────────────╯


You can style your text with chalk before passing it to begoo.


$ npm install --global begoo
$ begoo --help

    begoo <string>
    begoo <string> --maxLength 8
    begoo <string> --avatar name
      Available names: cat, dog, chicken, monkey and tux
    echo <string> | begoo

    begoo 'Amin forked the code from yosay'

    / @ @ \    ╭──────────────────────────╮
   ( > º < )   │   Amin forked the code   │
    `>>x<<´    │        from yosay        │
    /  O  \    ╰──────────────────────────╯

    begoo 'Bark Bark' --avatar 'dog'

            /  \
           / ..|\     ╭──────────────────────────╮
          (_\  |_)    │         Bark Bark        │
          /  \@'      ╰──────────────────────────╯
         /     \
    _   /  `   |
    \\/  \  | _\
     \   /_ || \\_
      \____)|_) \_)

    begoo 'Its a chicken and egg situation' --avatar 'chicken'

      (o>    ╭──────────────────────────╮
   \\_//)    │   Its a chicken and egg  │
    \_/_)    │         situation        │
     _|_     ╰──────────────────────────╯


BSD license