
A flutter widget, highly customizable, to select an item from a list of items.

Primary LanguageDartMIT LicenseMIT


A highly customizable selection/select menu to choose an item from a list, with optional search feature.

Getting Started

The package provides two libraries:

  • selection_menu: Provides Widgets
  • components_configurations: Provides styles(ComponentsConfigurations) for Widgets

The image shows the same SelectionMenu Widget with three different ComponentsConfigurations.

Select Menu in different styles

Basic Usage

import 'package:selection_menu/selection_menu.dart';

    itemsList: <String>['A','B','C'],
    onItemSelected: (String selectedItem)
    itemBuilder: (BuildContext context, String item, OnItemTapped onItemTapped)
       return Material(
           onTap: onItemTapped,
           child: Text(item),
    // other Properties...

Using A ComponentsConfiguration

import 'package:selection_menu/selection_menu.dart';

// IMPORT this package to get access to configuration classes.
import 'package:selection_menu/components_configurations.dart';

  itemsList: <String>['A','B','C'],
  onItemSelected: (String selectedItem)
  itemBuilder: (BuildContext context, String item, OnItemTapped onItemTapped)
    return Material(
        onTap: onItemTapped,
        child: Text(item),
  componentsConfigurations: DropdownComponentsConfigurations<String>(),


The menu is divided into parts called Components which allows to change one part while the others remain intact.

A ComponentsConfiguration is simply a container for all Components and configurations.

Reading the examples is recommended because there are a lot of things to cover and an intro page shouldn't be that long.


A series of examples can be found here.