
Plugin with OAuth support for Mojo and Mojolicious

Primary LanguagePerl


Mojolicious::Plugin::OAuth - Plugin with OAuth support for Mojo and Mojolicious.

Uses Net::OAuth::All.


#!/usr/bin/env perl

use Mojolicious::Lite;
use Data::Dumper;

my $config = {
        provider1 => {
                # provider1 config params
        provider2 => {
                # provider2 config params

# Mojolicious
$self->plugin('OAuth' => $config);
# ...

# Mojolicious::Lite
plugin 'OAuth' => $config;

get '/'                => 'index';
get '/oauth_error'     => 'oauth_error';

get '/login/:provider' => sub {
        my $self = shift;
        return $self->redirect_to('/oauth_error/') unless $self->helper('oauth_login' => $self->stash('provider'));

get '/oauth/:provider' => sub {
        my $self = shift;
        return $self->redirect_to('/oauth_error/') unless $self->helper('oauth_callback');
        my $oauth = $self->session('oauth');
        my $res = $self->helper('oauth_request'
                => $oauth->{'oauth_provider'}
                => {
                        map {$_ => $oauth->{$_}} qw/access_token access_token_secret/
                'data' => Dumper($res ? $res->json : {})
} => 'oauth';

get '/push' => sub {
        my $self = shift;
        my $oauth = $self->session('oauth');
        my $res = $self->helper('oauth_request'
                => 'buzz'
                => 'POST'
                => 'https://www.googleapis.com/buzz/v1/activities/@me/@self'
                => {
                        map {$_ => $oauth->{$_}} qw/access_token access_token_secret/
                => {
                        alt => 'json',
                => {
                        'body'    => q({"data": {"object": {"type": "note", "content": "I`m in Google BUZZ"}}}),
                        'headers' => {
                                'Content-Type' => 'application/json',
                'data' => Dumper($res ? $res->json : {})
} => 'oauth';



@@ index.html.ep
% layout 'funky';
        <% for (keys %{$self->app->conf}) { %>
                <a href="/login/<%= $_ %>/"><%= $_ %></a><br/>
        <% } %>

@@ oauth.html.ep
% layout 'funky';
        <%= $data %>
@@ oauth_error.html.ep
% layout 'funky';
Can`t login

@@ layouts/funky.html.ep
<!doctype html><html>
        <head><title>OAuth TEST!</title></head>
        <body><%== content %></body>


Mojolicious::Plugin::OAuth is a plugin to easily enable OAuth authorization.

PLUGIN CONFIGURE plugin 'o_auth' => $config;

$config is required HASH reference. May consists of many provider configuration. For provider configuration see Net::OAuth::All.


All received data saves to session in 'oauth' param. Helper return undef on error.

- oauth_login($provider)
        Make redirect_to to authorization url and obtain request_token and request_token_secret (only for OAuth less then 2.0) for provider $provider (is a key of $config).
        $provider param saves to 'oauth_provider' of session('oauth') before execute.
- oauth_callback
        Make oauth callback and obtain tokens for 'oauth_provider' saved on oauth_login step. All received data saves to session in 'oauth' param.
- oauth_request
        You can make protected request to provider API



        => provider
        => request method
        => URL
        => core config
        => extra request params
        => custom request config


- provider
        Is a key of $config.

- request method
        HTTP Method for request.

        Url to provider API.

- core config
        Is a HASH reference with configuration params for temporary change of plugin core config. It`t may be access_token and access_token_secret(check examples).

- extra request params
        Is a HASH reference with params of API (for example, 'status' for twitter).

- custom request config
        Is a HASH reference. You can add or change headers ('headers' key, is a HASH reference) and put POST body - 'body' key, is a string (POST body generates from extra params by default). With 'body' param URL generates with extra params.



For more information about oauth provider configuration see Net::OAuth::All on http://github.com/likhatskiy/Net-OAuth-All

Copyright (C) 2011-2013 Anatoly Sharifulin Copyright (C) 2010 Alexey Likhatskiy

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.

See http://dev.perl.org/licenses/ for more information.