
Primary LanguagePython

pe-afl combines static binary instrumentation on PE binary and WinAFL

so that it can fuzz on windows user-mode application and kernel-mode driver without source or full symbols or hardware support

details, benchmark and some kernel-mode case study can be found on slide and video, which is presented on BluehatIL 2019

it is not so reliable and dirty, but it works and high-performance

i reported bugs on office,gdiplus,jet,lnk,clfs,cng,hid by using this tool

the instrumentation part on PE can be reused on many purpose

ps1. if you feel slow on instrumenting, you can run the script on ubuntu

ps2. the instrument is based on microsoft binary and the binary compiled by visual studio, so it may fail on non-microsoft compiler

How-to instrument

example to instrument 2 NOP on entry point of calc.exe

ida.exe demo\calc.exe
# loading with pdb is more reliable if pdb is available

File->script file->ida_dump.py

python instrument.py -i"{0x1012d6c:'9090'}" demo\calc.exe demo\calc.exe.dump.txt
# 0x1012d6c is entry point address, you can instrument from command-line or from __main__ in instrument.py

How-to fuzz

you have to implement the wrapper/harness (AFL\test_XXX) depends on target

and add anything you want, such page heap, etc

instrument JetDB for fuzzing

ida.exe demo\msjet40.dll

File->script file->ida_dump.py

python pe-afl.py -m demo\msjet40.dll demo\msjet40.dll.dump.txt
# msjet40 is multi-thread, so -m is here

fuzz JetDB on win7

copy /Y msjet40.instrumented.dll C:\Windows\System32\msjet40.dll

bin\afl-showmap.exe -o NUL -p msjet40.dll -- bin\test_mdb.exe demo\mdb\normal.mdb
# make sure that capture is OK

bin\AFL.exe -i demo\mdb -o out -t 5000 -m none -p msjet40.dll -- bin\test_mdb.exe @@

instrument CLFS for fuzzing

ida.exe demo\clfs.sys
File->script file->ida_dump.py

python pe-afl.py demo\clfs.sys demo\clfs.sys.dump.txt

fuzz CLFS on win10

copy /Y clfs.instrumented.sys C:\Windows\System32\drivers\clfs.sys
# reboot if necessary
bin\afl-showmap.exe -o NUL -p clfs.sys -- bin\test_clfs.exe demo\blf\normal.blf
# make sure that capture is OK
bin\AFL.exe -i demo\blf -o out -t 5000 -m none -p clfs.sys -- bin\test_clfs.exe @@

How-to trace

example to log driver execution trace and import into lighthouse

ida.exe demo\clfs.sys
File->script file->ida_dump.py

python pe-afl.py -cb demo\clfs.sys demo\clfs.sys.dump.txt
copy /Y clfs.instrumented.sys C:\Windows\System32\drivers\clfs.sys
# reboot if necessary

bin\afl-showmap.exe -o NUL -p clfs.sys -d -- bin\test_clfs.exe demo\blf\normal.blf
# output is trace.txt

python lighthouse_trace.py demo\clfs.sys demo\clfs.sys.mapping.txt trace.txt > trace2.txt

# install lighthouse
xcopy /y /e lighthouse [IDA folder]\plugins\

ida.exe demo\clfs.sys
File->Load File->Code coverage file->trace2.txt


support x64