
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Web Template with AntD, Theme Switching, Routing, Redux

A (heavy) web template project with the basics already pre-built. The goal of this repository is to be easily forked and modified for quick app prototyping.

I would suggest looking into package.json to see what's there, and add/remove things based on project necessity.


Theming isn't particularly hard in this project, but does require a bit of coordination and setup. Please read the below guide carefully to ensure themes are correctly used. Keep theme variables named the same across files and objects

Add Themes

  1. Create a new less file in /src/common/themes (needs to be a .less file)
  2. Create a new javascript object in /src/constants/themes
  3. Create a new css file in /public called master--theme.css
  4. Add your theme to the getThemeColors function in /src/actions/themes.js
  5. Add theme file (from step 3) to themes variable in /src/index.js
  6. Run npm run themify to compile your changes
  7. Import the newly created -theme.css file into the master--theme.css file created in step 3
  8. Restart terminal (re-rerun npm run start)

Remove Themes

  1. Remove undesired theme file from /src/common/themes
  2. Remove undesired theme object from /src/constants/themes
  3. Remove undesired theme files from /public (master-theme + exported theme)
  4. Remove undesired theme from theme variable in /src/index.js
  5. Remove undesired theme from getThemeColors function in /src/actions/themes.js
  6. Restart terminal (re-rerun npm run start)

Modify Themes

  1. Location desired theme in /src/common/themes. Modify AntD variables in less-format here
  2. Location desired theme in /src/constants/themes Modify Javascript object here
  3. Location desired theme in /public. Modify :root css variables here
  4. Run npm run themify to compile your changes
  5. Restart terminal (re-rerun npm run start)

What the files do?

  • /src/common/themes -> Controls AntD theme
  • /src/constants/themes -> Controls inline javascript styling
  • /public/<master-themeName-theme.css> -> Controls css variables. Combines AntD theme and css variables
  • getThemeColors function in /src/actions/themes.js -> Outputs the current theme's inline javascript styling. No need to write confusing themename === "x" ? "red" : "blue" logic. Instead, grab themeColors from redux, then simply call: themeColors.primaryColor

Modifying AntD theme (via .less theme files)

The .less theme files use variables from [https://github.com/ant-design/ant-design/blob/master/components/style/themes/default.less] or /node_modules/antd/lib/style/themes/default.less

Why so many theme files?

Good question! I'd love to reduce this, if anyone has a better system. I needed a way to blend the AntD themes, css variables, and inline style variables, as all 3 may be used throughout the app, and all 3 should relate to one-another.

Node Setup

  • Node: v14.16.0
  • Npm: 6.14.11