Note: This application is only build for learning and demostration purpose.

Flask Inventory App

An Inventory Management Web Application built with Flask and Tailwindcss used to manage inventory of a list of products in respective warehouses. User can move product from one location to another, can only add product to location also can remove from the location.

I have deployed the app on heroku, go on to check the app.


To run this system you will need :

Development Quickstart

To develop this project:

  1. Clone the repository:

    $ git clone
    $ cd flask-inventory-app
  2. Create a virtual environment:

    $ py -m venv env
  3. Activate virtual environemnt:


    source env/bin/activate


    $ env\Scripts\activate
  4. Install Dependencies:

    $ pip install -r requirements.txt
  5. Run the application:

    $ python
  6. Visit http://localhost:5000/ from your browser to access the app.


Below are the screenshots of the views available in application.

  • Products:

This view shows list of products: Products page

  • Locations:

This view shows list of Warehouse Locations: Locations page

  • Product Movements:

This view shows the history of product movements: Product Movements page

  • Dashboard:

This reports shows the balance quantity in each location: Dasboard page