- 0
#61 opened by Huazhiling - 0
Migrate to AndroidX
#58 opened by pedrofsn - 1
- 3
Crash on Meizu 16th device
#49 opened by XcJKing - 2
Update Dependency to support androidx
#47 opened by ixiDev - 0
app:shimmer_demo_mask_width invalid
#56 opened by alfaisal7313 - 1
android:orientation="horizontal" is invalid
#55 opened by TianGuisen - 3
- 1
Shimmer is Not Showing in Some Fragments
#52 opened by kingnightdrifter - 0
- 0
ShimmerLayout is deprecated
#53 opened by megaacheyounes - 0
- 0
- 4
- 1
support for ShimmerAdapter viewTypes
#43 opened by Marchuck - 0
Another way to do this work with less coupling
#45 opened by luckybilly - 0
setGridChildCount doesn't have any effect
#41 opened by AdeelTariq - 2
ShimmerRecyclerView does not support setReverseLayout and stackFromEnd appropriately
#39 opened by Cylix - 2
setDemoShimmerMaskWidth method not found
#36 opened by vincent-paing - 2
No Scrolling in Shimmer Recycler View
#37 opened by ParthJadav - 7
Fatal Exception: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: width and height must be > 0
#35 opened by vaibhav-droid - 2
layoutManager.findLastCompletelyVisibleItemPosition() doesn't work correctly
#34 opened by mohammadms2008 - 4
Shimmer animation RTL
#28 opened by arashmidos - 4
ShimmerRecyclerView always show one item when layout manager equals "linear_horizontal"
#30 opened by kaiyan910 - 1
attributes not found
#27 opened by uragonda-rajesh - 5
Does this library manipulate the actual itemView for shimmering effect or do I need to create two item views, one for showing actual data and one demo view for shimmering
#26 opened by kvipul - 2
Shimmer animation speed.
#21 opened by ebinjoy999 - 9
OutOfMemory Exception
#19 opened by anderscheow - 2
- 4
Runtime rows not changing.
#15 opened by tabassumLatif - 6
- 9
Low performance of the lib
#12 opened by Kolyall - 2
- 2
Cannot Build with Gradle
#10 opened by inanmadak - 2
error unable to build
#9 opened by Midhilaj - 0
How to get the Actual Adapter?
#8 opened by ilgizsa - 2
- 2
Using ItemDecoration
#1 opened by 7heaven - 1
- 1
#3 opened by 1programmer2dfg3 - 2
How to use this for activities layout
#7 opened by HasanShaikh