
This is the web page at http://www.ev3dev.org and also http://ev3dev.github.io.

Feel free to fork and make a pull request.

You can view your changes locally by installing jekyll.

Installing Jekyll in Ubuntu 14.04

sudo apt-get install git ruby1.9.1 ruby1.9.1-dev nodejs
sudo gem install bundler
git clone git@github.com:<user>/ev3dev.github.io
cd ev3dev.github.io
bundle install
bundle exec jekyll serve --watch &
www-browser http://localhost:4000 &
# work, work, work

Installing Jekyll in Windows

  • Follow the instructions in step 1 here (Installing Ruby and the Ruby DevKit).

Then run:

gem install bundler
git clone https://github.com/<user>/ev3dev.github.io
cd ev3dev.github.io
bundle install
bundle exec jekyll serve --watch

Now you should be able to visit your page at: http://localhost:4000. It should auto-update when you change the source files, so all you have to do is refresh your browser.

Previewing Your Changes Online

When forking, you can create a new branch called gh-pages, then your changes can be viewed as http://<user>.github.io/ev3dev.github.io. When you do this though, GitHub will send you lots of email like this, which you should ignore.

The page build completed successfully, but returned the following warning:

CNAME already taken: www.ev3dev.org

For information on troubleshooting Jekyll see:


If you have any questions please contact us at https://github.com/contact.

If it really gets on your nerves, you can rename the CNAME file. Just make sure to change it back before you submit your pull request.