Level Up - Mobile BFF

Server made with Javascript technologies Main access for LevelUp Mobile Applications

To get Started

  1. Please ask someone the .env.
  2. Download the project.
  3. CD into the root project and run: npm install
  4. Run npm run dev.


This project requires Node.js v14+ to run.

Using .nvmrc file helps to normalize node version used by all maintainers. If you are required to use version specified in this file, run these commands.

nvm use
nvm install

Use the package manager npm v6+ to install dependencies and devDependencies.

npm install


  • Initialize Docker Compose: docker-compose up

  • For Redis CLI: docker run -it --network mobilebff_default --rm redis redis-cli -h redislul



Change defualt port (3000) to other port if needed. Open .env file and add


If you are using a local MongoDB database, start the mongod service

sudo service mongod start

Run server

npm run dev

Updating schema models

git submodule init
npm run updateModels


Format code using Prettier and Eslint

npm run prettify

Tech Stack


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Notes on developing:

- Linters and Format are added to this project so please everytime you submit a PR, run the command: `npm run prettify`, and fix any errors that pops up.

Commits Commits must follow conventional commit format Make sure your messages look like the following examples

feat: Adding new endpoint
fix: Rolling back endpoint
