
Simple Ethereum library for Clojure(Script)

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Simple ClojureScript (soon Clojure as well) library for interacting with the Ethereum blockchain.

Since it's still fairly early API is likely to change a lot in particular with regular clojure support.

Add the following to your project.clj file:

[cloth "0.3.1"]

Note I have not tested any of this in production or using minified clojurescript code.

Basic usage

The cloth.core namespace has most of what you need for regular use for sending transactions.

(require '[cloth.core :as cloth])
(require '[promesa.core :as p]) ;; promise library

Check the balance of the current account:

;; Both platforms
(p/then (cloth/balance) prn)

;; Clojure only

Send transaction:

;; Both platforms
(p/then (cloth/send-transaction {:to "0x9927ff21b9bb0eee9b0ee4867ebf9102d12d6ecb"
                                 :value 100000000N}) prn)

;; Clojure only
@(cloth/send-transaction {:to "0x9927ff21b9bb0eee9b0ee4867ebf9102d12d6ecb"
                          :value 100000000N})


Signing is done by maps called signers and a multimethod called (sign-with-signer tx signer).

The current implementation supports signers as KeyPair maps containing a private-key and an address:

{:private-key "0x3fa3d2b5c94e3f521d6c160e0ef97123cc6d0946c12869b949959aa0f8c333de", 
 :address "0x9927ff21b9bb0eee9b0ee4867ebf9102d12d6ecb"}

The cloth.keys namespace has a function (create-keypair) which creates a map like above.

Ethereum URL's

Or a url based signer which generates an ethereum-url primarily useful to create a link on a mobile browser or a QR code.

{:type :url, 
 :address "0x9927ff21b9bb0eee9b0ee4867ebf9102d12d6ecb" ;; optional
 :show-url (fn [url] 
                ;; trigger display of url in your web page
                ;; return a promise that is fullfilled based on a onhashchange event 

Proxy Signers

Proxy signers use simple smart contracts known as Proxy's that can be controlled through one or more device keys or other kinds of business rules.

A proxy contract needs to implement a function with the following interface:

function forward(address recipient, uint value, bytes data) {
   // forward contract based on certain busines rules

Once you have your proxy contract deployed you can create a signer like this:

{ :type :proxy
  :address "0xbfd6f4d8016d3b2388af8a6617778a3686993a1a" ;; address of proxy contract
  :device { :private-key "0x3fa3d2b5c94e3f521d6c160e0ef97123cc6d0946c12869b949959aa0f8c333de", 
            :address "0x9927ff21b9bb0eee9b0ee4867ebf9102d12d6ecb"}}

Creating a global signer

In regular use with a single signer for example in a web app set it in a global signer atom cloth.core/global-signer:

(reset! cloth.core/global-signer (cloth.keys/create-keypair))

For server applications you may want to assign a signer to a request using dynamic binding.

This is particularly useful in a ring-middleware:

(defn extract-key-from-request [request]
  ;; App specific code
(defn wrap-signer [app]
  (fn [request])
    (binding [cloth.core/bound-signer (extract-key-from-request request)]
      (app request)))

All code in the cloth.core namespace uses the (cloth.core/current-signer) function to return the current keypair map.

Instead of callbacks we use promesa which allow us to compose functions easily.

Solidity Contracts

The cloth.contracts namespace allows you to compile solidity code and create clojure functions for each function in your solidity contract.

;; For Clojure
(require '[cloth.contracts :as c])
;; For ClojureScript
(require '[cloth.contracts :as c :refer-macros [defcontract]])

(defcontract simple-token "test/cloth/SimpleToken.sol")

;; For simplicity sake the rest of the examples use Clojure @ syntax for dereferencing Promises

;; Deploy the solidity code to the blockchain
(def contract-address @(deploy-simple-token!))

;; If a contract constructor require arguments add them to the deploy function
(def contract-address @(deploy-simple-token! "message" 1231231111))

;; Constant functions (that is for quering data from a smart contract)

@(circulation contract-address)
=> 0

;; Call a transaction function. Promise returns when it is mined
@(issue! contract recipient 123)

;; Check return value of a transaction function but doesn't actually create a transaction
@(issue? contract recipient 123)

;; Events in a solidity contract have a function created to create a core.async channel
;; Use regular promesa syntax here as this is likely to be done in a web interface
(require '[promesa.core :as p])

(defonce latest-message (atom nil))
(p/then (message-ch contract)
        (fn [{:keys [messages stop start] :as c}] 
            ; messages is a core.async channel
            ; stop is used to stop listening and start to restart it
          (go  (reset! latest-message (<! messages))

Note defcontract creates the functions in the namespace where it is called.

To compile contracts you need solc the Solidity compiler installed.

General ETH JSON-RPC like interface:

See the cloth.chain namespace which has bindings for most JSON-RPC calls that lets you query the blockchain.

Note I haven't clojurified all the responses yet. In particular the get block and get transaction-receipts are likely going to change.

Configuring JSON-RPC endpoint

At the moment interaction with the Ethereum network is done through a JSON-RPC endpoint.

This default to http://localhost:8545

You can change it by resetting the cloth.chain/ethereum-rpc atom.

Eventually I want to add support for ethereumj for the clojure version.

Development and Testing

Most code will work both on clojure and clojurescript. To run tests first install ethereumjs-testrpc:

npm install -g ethereumjs-testrpc

This is a small temporary test ethereum node. Run it:

testrpc -b 1

Clojure tests

Run lein test or lein test-refresh.

Clojurescript tests

We use doo

Follow instructions on above site

lein doo chrome test


Copyright © 2016 Pelle Braendgaard

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.