A Facebook echo Chat bot

This is a Facebook chat bot testbed built using Clojure, that deploys on the Heroku PaaS. For documentation and step by step instructions, see the blog post

Running Locally

Make sure you have Clojure installed. Also, install the Heroku Toolbelt.

$ git clone https://github.com/shark8me/heroku-cbot.git
$ cd heroku-cbot 
$ lein repl
user=> (require 'heroku-cbot.web)
user=>(def server (heroku-cbot.web/-main))

Your chat app webhood should now be running on localhost:5000.

Deploying to Heroku

$ heroku create
$ git push heroku master
$ heroku open


Deploy to Heroku


For more information about using Clojure on Heroku, see these Dev Center articles: