Please fork and clone down this repository to your local machine.
If you don't have React.js globally installed, run this command in your command line:
npm install -g create-react-app
Next, change directory into the pursuance
Run this command to install node modules:
npm install
To run the React App on localhost:
npm start
Then, in another terminal, to set up the database and run PostgREST, which our Go code uses for persistence, run:
$ cd db/
If you're on Linux, now run
$ sudo -u postgres bash
On Mac OS X, instead run
$ sudo -u $USER bash
(The following commands should be run regardless of whether you're on Linux or OS X.)
$ postgrest postgrest.conf
Then, in another terminal session run:
$ go get ./...
(An error about not finding
OK here.)
$ go build
$ ./pursuance
Then view http://localhost:8082.
Please follow these naming and spacing conventions when submitting a pull request: React + Redux Conventions