
iOS swift firebase remote configuration

Primary LanguageSwift


my adoption of firebase remote configuration.

  1. once the default plist is set, the remoteconf helper can start to emit default value from the plist, since it is Rx, Combine, it requires the first subscriber for the publisher to work, we will start with the some_bool -- actually thought about query the state, however, the design is that loaded(Let Result), means that there need to be a result

using lemon Remote Configuration in Two-frog

frogCircle is the reason that I evaluate Firebase Remote Congfig and the outcome is this lemon project, the main reason is the cost of firebase firestore writing.

problem statement

if the writing, update of the frogTrail is respond to user query, it will be limited however, if the update is automatic, there need a way to throttle and remote configure and this could also be based on the entitlement.

daily count

push_per_day: Int = 0, 1,2 push_interval minutes, int. default 9

start_hour_of_day, start_minute_of_day currently we only have hour_of_day as POC and during testing we will only use delay_sending. which can be easily revised to hour of day, see below

e.g. ppd = 0, no auto-puhs ppd = 1, 8:00 AM,

ppd = 2 p_i = 9, , p2: 5:00 PM

ppd = 3 p_i = 5, p2: 1:00PM, p3: 6:00 PM,

ppd = 4 P-d = 4, p2: 12:00PM, p3:4:00PM, p4:8:00PM

delay sending and hour of day.

hour of day can be implemented based on delay sending: delay sending will trigger based on delta of delay. hour of day can set the delay delta based on current time Date() and the hour of day.