
(已完成)这是用Android开发的事件提醒安卓App,是COMP6442SoftwareConstruction的大作业,我最终成绩是D。(Completed) This is an Android Reminder App as the main project of the COMP6442.My final GPA is D. It integrates Calendar, GeoLocation.

Primary LanguageJava

App Name: Reminder


  • insert, update, and delete one event
  • track completed events and incompleted events \ We let user to mark complete for events instead of automatically set events completed if they passed the scheduled time. Because we considered some events may not be completed even if they have passed time.


  1. Dao for event database
  2. Places and Google Map API for MapsActivity
  3. Google Calendar and CalendarView
  4. Notification and AlarmManager for scheduled Notification
  5. Geofence for location-triggered notification
  6. Android Test, Expresso, Junit for tests