Store manager is an online web based application that enables the store owner to manage their store. The apoplication contains a database or inventory of products that can be sold and a number of users to perform the various tasks.
The system has two types of users with different functionalities and some shared ones.
Store Attendants: Responsible for performing sales operations. Functions include
- Creating a sale order
- Viewing products in store
Administrator: Performs managerial duties including:
- Create store attendant
- View All sales records
- Create New products
- Edit products
- Delete Products
Features Implemented?
- Add a product
- delete a product
- Update product
- Create store attendant
- View a product by Id.
- View all products in store.
- Create a sale order
- Edit item quantity in the cart
- Check product availability
- Give user feedback
- Visit Shark Store manager
- Login Using the following credentials:
> email:
> password: Valeria@2018*
> email:
> password: Valeria@2018*