- 1
Vim: add .swo
#149 opened by yochem - 0
winget package
#151 opened by 720720 - 3
- 0
base16 themes
#147 opened by arunoruto - 2
- 0
Font ttc extension
#143 opened by ReubenM - 1
- 5
- 4
Nord theme isn't correct
#129 opened by driverkt - 1
Requesting a new release
#135 opened by lauragra-y - 1
Open to merge from LS_COLORS repo?
#134 opened by rpdelaney - 0
Cache Invalidation
#133 opened by jeffscottward - 1
add EXPORT in theme-cycle example
#131 opened by chris-braidwell - 2
Using multiple font styles
#49 opened by noib3 - 0
Add Tokyo Night theme
#112 opened by codenyte - 1
Duplicate file type `.scss`
#120 opened by djdv - 1
type a wrong name and get a good default??
#122 opened by soloturn - 0
Mac osx themes dont work
#121 opened by firu82 - 4
reload from script
#116 opened by haras-unicorn - 3
Using vivid with pywal template (error)
#113 opened by vaskark - 1
Color all hidden files
#109 opened by yochem - 1
New Release
#99 opened by jaminthorns - 5
Output is not deterministic
#63 opened by neersighted - 2
Shell completions
#86 opened by Freed-Wu - 5
Cannot generate gruvbox-light, gruvbox-dark
#84 opened by zane - 0
brew install failed on mac os ?
#83 opened by rfyiamcool - 2
[Request] Windows binary release
#53 opened by chawyehsu - 3
Builds for armv6 and armv7
#74 opened by mafrosis - 2
- 4
Upload .deb to Debian
#55 opened by savchenko - 3
Same extension, multiple filetypes
#59 opened by sashaweiss - 0
[Feature Request] Add Gruvbox theme
#76 opened by Froloket64 - 4
- 2
cargo install missing lava theme
#68 opened by Gary-Armstrong - 1
Release is not updated
#64 opened by ztlevi - 1
add darcula theme
#65 opened by Nojpg - 2
- 2
Panic when preview output is limited by `head`
#56 opened by savchenko - 7
the color theme didn't get affected after export for ls command but works for tree command
#54 opened by monacv - 27
Run vivid on MacOS
#25 opened by erusev - 3
Question regarding using Vivid with Exa
#41 opened by eo1989 - 1
Add ability to list themes
#46 opened by pickfire - 5
Zinit plugin permission denied
#50 opened by mortezadadgar - 3
- 4
- 1
Use serde_yaml instead of the custom YAML reader
#35 opened by sharkdp - 1
Create a macOS category for unimportant files
#32 opened by gseidler - 1
New release
#31 opened by menelaos - 1
Configuration doesnt seem to work, pointing at both filetypes.yml or themes/molokai.yml
#28 opened by wKavey - 9
compilation failure
#24 opened by kazuf3