Note that this repository is always updated according to the beta openSPOT firmware releases.

The HTTP API uses JSON queries and replies.

All queries except gettok.cgi, ip.cgi and checkauth.cgi must include a valid JWT (JSON Web Token). The JWT should be included in the HTTP header as Authorization: Bearer.

To acquire a JWT, your application must complete the login process. The JWT stays valid for 3600 seconds after the last valid query. If the supplied JWT is not valid, openSPOT responds with 403 Forbidden header.

Login process

  • Request a token using gettok.cgi.
  • Concatenate the token and the password string.
  • Hash this using SHA256 to get the digest.
  • Call login.cgi with the token and the digest in the query.

Example login process with example JSON queries:

  • GET gettok.cgi an empty query. Response:

      "token": "1f9a8b7c"
  • Our password is "passw0rd". So we concatenate the token and the password, and hash it:


    This gives us the digest "2c476e1191ac5d38f72d9b00aca1c1a64aebe991de8c2c4806e413016844e6be" Should be lowercase only!

  • Now we POST login.cgi this JSON:

      "token": "1f9a8b7c",
      "digest": "2c476e1191ac5d38f72d9b00aca1c1a64aebe991de8c2c4806e413016844e6be"

    The reply will be:

      "hostname": "openspot",
      "jwt": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJqdGkiOiJkMjljODQwZSJ9.r3Oom8qVEAd1ceMMWibrMNsgu0DPgz-IG13MAzB-o5s"

    If the password is not matching, openSPOT will respond with a 401 Unauthorized header.

  • Now we are logged in and can call all API interfaces with the acquired JWT.

API Endpoints

User/Session Management

Device Management

  • info.cgi - Returns general device info (firmware versions, etc)
  • ip.cgi - Returns the IP address of openSPOT
  • reboot.cgi - Reboot the openSPOT
  • status.cgi - Returns openSPOT's current status

Config Profile Management

Other Settings

Connector Management

Connector Settings

Modem Management

Mode/Network-specific Settings

User/Session Management


Checks the validity of the supplied JWT. success is 1 if it's valid and the user has logged in previously. Also returns openSPOT's hostname and current IP address. nopass is 1 if openSPOT has no password set.


  "success": 1,
  "nopass": 0,
  "hostname": "openspot",
  "ip_address": ""


Doesn't take any parameters from a query. Returns the session token, which is a hexadecimal uint32_t (8 ASCII characters).


  "token": "1f9a8b7c"


Logs in the user if the given token and digest is valid. Returns openSPOT's hostname and the JWT.


  "hostname": "openspot",
  "jwt": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJqdGkiOiJkMjljODQwZSJ9.r3Oom8qVEAd1ceMMWibrMNsgu0DPgz-IG13MAzB-o5s"


Logs out the user.



Device Management


Allows you to query (GET) general info about the device. blver is the bootloader version. uid is the device unique ID in hexadecimal. uptime is in seconds. locked_to_country is set to the country's ISO code if there's a lock active on the current device.


  "hwver": "1.0",
  "locked_to_country": "",
  "swver": "0001",
  "subver": "433",
  "blver": "0001",
  "uptime": 123,
  "mac": "FE:28:00:00:00:FA",
  "uid": "abcdef"


Returns the IP address of openSPOT.


  "ip": ""


Triggers a reboot.

If reset_config is set to 1 in the query, it resets the default configuration after rebooting. If bootloader is 1, it reboots the unit to the bootloader.

Query (optional):

  "reset_config": 1,
  "bootloader": 1




Returns openSPOT's current status.

status can be:

  • 0: Standby
  • 1: In call
  • 2: Connector not set
  • 3: Connector connecting
  • 4: Modem initializing
  • 5: Modem disconnected
  • 6: Modem HW/SW version mismatch
  • 7: Modem firmware upgrade in progress

rssi_tc0_values_dbm and rssi_tc1_values_dbm contain RSSI values since the last call of status.cgi. If the current modem mode is non-TDMA, then ignore rssi_tc1_values_dbm.

dejitter_buf_tc0_pkts and dejitter_buf_tc1_pkts contain dejitter buffer packet count values since the last call of status.cgi. If the current modem mode is non-TDMA, then ignore dejitter_buf_tc1_pkts.

ber_tc0_values and ber_tc1_values contain the count of erroneous bits since the last call of status.cgi. If the current modem mode is non-TDMA, then ignore ber_tc1_values.

The packet and byte UDP traffic counters are monotonically increasing 32 bit values.

callinfo contains an array of call info structures. The first element of the structure is the destination callsign (or DMR ID as a string), the second element is the source callsign, and the third is the callinfo struct type. This is a 16-bit value, the meaning of the bits:

  • 0th bit (LSB): 0 - voice call, 1 - data call
  • 1st bit: 0 - call from net, 1 - call from modem/openSPOT
  • 2nd bit: 0 - group call, 1 - private call
  • 3rd bit: 0 - call end, 1 - call start
  • 4th bit: 1 - call started with late entry
  • 5th bit: 1 - call ended with timeout
  • 6th bit: 0 - TS1, 1 - TS2
  • 7th bit: 1 - received a talker alias
  • 8th bit: 1 - C4FM DN (VD) mode 1, 0 - C4FM DN (VD) mode 2
  • 9th bit: 1 - C4FM wide voice mode, 0 - C4FM digital narrow mode
  • 10th bit: 1 - DMR call
  • 11th bit: 1 - C4FM call
  • 12th bit: 1 - DSTAR call

Other bits are currently unused.

connector is the active connector ID (see connector.cgi's description for connector ID names).

primary is 1 if the primary server is used by the current connector, and it's 0 if the backup server is used.

timeout_cp is the config profile ID to switch on timeout_cp_sec timeout. timeout_null_sec is the null connector switch timeout.


  "status": 0,
  "connector": 2,
  "timeout_cp": 0,
  "timeout_cp_sec": 0,
  "timeout_null_sec": 0,
  "rssi_tc0_values_dbm": [-60,-62,-65],
  "rssi_tc1_values_dbm": [-60,-62,-65],
  "dejitter_buf_tc0_pkts": [0, 1, 2],
  "dejitter_buf_tc1_pkts": [0, 1, 2],
  "ber_tc0_values": [0, 1, 2],
  "ber_tc1_values": [0, 1, 2],
  "invalid_seqnums": 5,
  "rx_pkts": 32,
  "rx_bytes": 14421,
  "tx_pkts": 32,
  "tx_bytes": 14421,
  "connected_to": "DCS001 A",
  "primary": 1,
  "callinfo": [["9","2161005",0], ["9","2161005",1032]]

Config Profile Management


If you want to export the active config profile settings, you can POST a query to this CGI. You can request settings in chunks. The number of available chunks is in chunk_count (this can also be requested with a GET query). Each chunk is represented in string of hexadecimal character pairs. config_size is the count of valid config bytes in the file. The whole config's CRC is returned in config_crc. Note that chunk data in this example is truncated.

Query (optional):

  "chunk_nr": 0


  "config_size": 1458,
  "config_crc": "a9fd8832",
  "chunk_count": 3,
  "chunk_nr": 0,
  "chunk": "982443abcdef"


If you want to import the active config profile settings, you can POST a query to this CGI.

config_size is the count of valid config bytes in the file. chunk_size is the length which this CGI waits chunk data in string of hexadecimal character pairs. chunk_count is the total number of chunks needed for a successful import. active_cp_hostname is the hostname of openSPOT. This is always returned because it may be changed after a successful import - in this case the caller knows on what address openSPOT will start listening on after the device reboots. Note that chunk data in this example is truncated.

status can be the following:


status will always be 0 when calling this CGI without query parameters.

Query (optional):

  "config_size": 1458,
  "config_crc": "a9fd8832",
  "chunk_nr": 0,
  "chunk": "982443abcdef"


  "chunk_size": 1024,
  "chunk_count": 3,
  "active_cp_hostname": "openspot",
  "status": 0


Config profile settings query (GET)/change (POST). Returns currently active settings. reboot is 1 if the active config profile has been changed and openSPOT is rebooting. active_cp_initialized is 1 if the currently active config profile is initialized. The array cp_names contain each config profile's name. timeoutchange_cp is the profile number which should be activated after rxtimeout_sec seconds.

Query (optional):

  "active_cp": 0,
  "timeoutchange_cp": 0,
  "rxtimeout_sec": 0,
  "active_cp_name": "default",
  "active_cp_copyto": 0


  "reboot": 0,
  "active_cp": 0,
  "timeoutchange_cp": 0,
  "rxtimeout_sec": 0,
  "active_cp_hostname": "openspot",
  "active_cp_initialized": 1,
  "cp_names": ["default", "", "", "", ""]

Other Settings


Location settings query (GET)/change (POST). Returns currently active settings. Country is the country code (2 chars) or the string "global".

Query (optional):

  "country": "global",
  "latitude": "0.0",
  "longitude": "0.0",
  "height_agl": 0,
  "name": ""


  "latitude": "0.0",
  "longitude": "0.0",
  "height_agl": 0,
  "name": ""


Network settings query (GET)/change (POST). Returns currently active settings.

ip_config_mode can be:

  • 0: DHCP
  • 1: DHCP with auto IP
  • 2: Auto IP
  • 3: Static IP

Query (optional):

  "ip_config_mode": 0,
  "hostname": "openspot",
  "static_ip": "",
  "static_mask": "",
  "static_gw": "",
  "static_dns1": "",
  "static_dns2": "",
  "usestaticdns": 1,
  "dejitter_queue_msec": 130


  "ip_config_mode": 0,
  "hostname": "openspot",
  "static_ip": "",
  "static_mask": "",
  "static_gw": "",
  "static_dns1": "",
  "static_dns2": "",
  "usestaticdns": 1,
  "dejitter_queue_msec": 130


Allows you to change openSPOT's password.


  "password": "openspot"




Voice announcement settings query (GET)/change (POST). Returns currently active settings.

Query (optional):

  "enabled": 1,
  "shortbm": 0,
  "remote_only": 0,
  "host": "",
  "port": 65200,
  "src_dmr_id": 9998,
  "prof_dmr_id": 9000,
  "con_dmr_id": 9998,
  "ip_dmr_id": 9001


  "enabled": 1,
  "shortbm": 0,
  "remote_only": 0,
  "host": "",
  "port": 65200,
  "src_dmr_id": 9998,
  "prof_dmr_id": 9000,
  "con_dmr_id": 9998,
  "ip_dmr_id": 9001

Connector Management


openSPOT's active connector query (GET)/change (POST).

Valid connector IDs:

  • 0: No connector set.
  • 1: DMRplus
  • 2: Homebrew
  • 3: TS repeat
  • 4: DCS/XLX
  • 5: FCS
  • 6: SharkRF IP Connector Client
  • 7: SharkRF IP Connector Server
  • 8: DMR demodulation mode auto calibration
  • 9: REF/XRF
  • 10: YSFReflector

Query (optional):

  "connector": 0


  "connector": 0


Connector other settings query (GET)/change (POST). Returns currently active settings. rxtimeout_sec is the change to null connector timeout.

Query (optional):

  "rxtimeout_sec": 0


  "rxtimeout_sec": 0

Connector Settings


You can periodically query (GET) this CGI to get current C4FM demodulation mode auto calibration status. Also you can change this connector's modem RX/TX frequencies. When the frequencies are changed, the connector is restarted.

State can be:

  • 0: idle
  • 1: calibrating
  • 2: finished, result available
  • 3: modem is not in C4FM half deviation mode

Progress is in percent. Result is the auto calibrated demodulation mode (0 - A, 1 - B, 2 - C, etc.)

Query (optional):

  "rx_freq": 436000000,
  "tx_freq": 436000000,


  "rx_freq": 436000000,
  "tx_freq": 436000000,
  "state": 1,
  "progress": 56,
  "result": 2


DCS/XLX connector settings query (GET)/change (POST). Returns currently active settings.

Query (optional):

  "rx_freq": 436000000,
  "tx_freq": 436000000,
  "server_host": "",
  "port": 12345,
  "ccs_port": 12345,
  "callsign": "",
  "local_module": "A",
  "reflector": "DCS025",
  "remote_module": "Z",
  "rx_timeout_sec": 30


  "rx_freq": 436000000,
  "tx_freq": 436000000,
  "server_host": "",
  "port": 12345,
  "ccs_port": 12345,
  "callsign": "",
  "local_module": "A",
  "reflector": "DCS025",
  "remote_module": "Z",
  "rx_timeout_sec": 1


You can periodically query (GET) this CGI to get current DMR demodulation mode auto calibration status. Also you can change this connector's modem RX/TX frequencies. When the frequencies are changed, the connector is restarted.

State can be:

  • 0: idle
  • 1: calibrating
  • 2: finished, result available
  • 3: modem is not in DMR mode

Progress is in percent. Result is the auto calibrated demodulation mode (0 - A, 1 - B, 2 - C, etc.)

Query (optional):

  "rx_freq": 436000000,
  "tx_freq": 436000000,


  "rx_freq": 436000000,
  "tx_freq": 436000000,
  "state": 1,
  "progress": 56,
  "result": 2


DMRplus connector settings query (GET)/change (POST). Returns currently active settings.

Query (optional):

  "rx_freq": 436000000,
  "tx_freq": 436000000,
  "server_host": "",
  "port": 8880,
  "dmr_id": "",
  "reflector_id": 0,
  "keepalive_interval_sec": 1,
  "rx_timeout_sec": 10


  "rx_freq": 436000000,
  "tx_freq": 436000000,
  "server_host": "",
  "port": 8880,
  "dmr_id": "",
  "reflector_id": 0,
  "keepalive_interval_sec": 1,
  "rx_timeout_sec": 10


FCS connector settings query (GET)/change (POST). Returns currently active settings.

Query (optional):

  "server_host": "",
  "rx_freq": 436000000,
  "tx_freq": 436000000,
  "port": 12345,
  "callsign": "",
  "ccs7_id": 2161005,
  "reflector": "FCS001",
  "room_number": 25,
  "keepalive_interval_sec": 1,
  "rx_timeout_sec": 30


  "rx_freq": 436000000,
  "tx_freq": 436000000,
  "server_host": "",
  "port": 12345,
  "callsign": "",
  "ccs7_id": 2161005,
  "reflector": "FCS001",
  "room_number": 25,
  "keepalive_interval_sec": 1,
  "rx_timeout_sec": 10


Homebrew connector settings query (GET)/change (POST). Returns currently active settings.

Valid autocon_calltype, c4fm_dstcalltype and reroute_calltype values: 0 - group call, 1 - private call.

For more information about the MMDVM options field, see this description.

Query (optional):

  "rx_freq": 436000000,
  "tx_freq": 436000000,
  "server_host": "",
  "port": 62030,
  "mmdvm_mode": 0,
  "mmdvm_options": "",
  "callsign": "",
  "password": "",
  "b_server_host": "",
  "b_port": 62030,
  "b_password": "",
  "b_toggle_timeout_sec": 60,
  "repeater_id": 901234,
  "autocon_id": 4771,
  "autocon_calltype": 0,
  "autocon_tdma_channel": 0,
  "autocon_interval_sec": 500,
  "autocon_discon": 0,
  "dmo_tdma_channel": 0,
  "c4fm_dstid": 9,
  "c4fm_dstcalltype": 0,
  "reroute_id": 9990,
  "reroute_calltype": 1,
  "keepalive_interval_sec": 5,
  "rx_timeout_sec": 30


  "rx_freq": 436000000,
  "tx_freq": 436000000,
  "server_host": "",
  "port": 62030,
  "mmdvm_mode": 0,
  "mmdvm_options": "",
  "callsign": "",
  "password": "",
  "b_server_host": "",
  "b_port": 62030,
  "b_password": "",
  "b_toggle_timeout_sec": 60,
  "repeater_id": 901234,
  "autocon_id": 4771,
  "autocon_tdma_channel": 0,
  "autocon_interval_sec": 500,
  "autocon_discon": 0,
  "dmo_tdma_channel": 0,
  "c4fm_dstid": 9,
  "c4fm_dstcalltype": 0,
  "reroute_id": 9990,
  "reroute_calltype": 1,
  "keepalive_interval_sec": 5,
  "rx_timeout_sec": 30


Null connector settings query (GET)/change (POST). Returns currently active settings.

Query (optional):

  "rx_freq": 436000000,
  "tx_freq": 436000000


  "rx_freq": 436000000,
  "tx_freq": 436000000


REF/XRF connector settings query (GET)/change (POST). Returns currently active settings.

allow_g is the "always allow module G to modem" setting.

Query (optional):

  "rx_freq": 436000000,
  "tx_freq": 436000000,
  "server_host": "",
  "port": 12345,
  "ccs_port": 12345,
  "callsign": "",
  "local_module": "D",
  "reflector": "REF001",
  "remote_module": "C",
  "allow_g": 1,
  "rx_timeout_sec": 30


  "rx_freq": 436000000,
  "tx_freq": 436000000,
  "server_host": "",
  "port": 12345,
  "ccs_port": 12345,
  "callsign": "",
  "local_module": "D",
  "reflector": "REF001",
  "remote_module": "C",
  "allow_g": 1,
  "rx_timeout_sec": 1


SharkRF IP Connector Client settings query (GET)/change (POST). Returns currently active settings.

Query (optional):

  "rx_freq": 436000000,
  "tx_freq": 436000000,
  "server_host": "",
  "port": 65100,
  "id": 2161005,
  "password": "abcdefgh",
  "callsign": "",
  "keepalive_interval_sec": 5,
  "rx_timeout_sec": 30


  "rx_freq": 436000000,
  "tx_freq": 436000000,
  "server_host": "",
  "port": 65100,
  "id": 2161005,
  "password": "abcdefgh",
  "callsign": "",
  "keepalive_interval_sec": 5,
  "rx_timeout_sec": 30


SharkRF IP Connector Server settings query (GET)/change (POST). Returns currently active settings.

Query (optional):

  "rx_freq": 436000000,
  "tx_freq": 436000000,
  "port": 65100,
  "password": "abcdefgh",
  "rx_timeout_sec": 30


  "rx_freq": 436000000,
  "tx_freq": 436000000,
  "port": 65100,
  "password": "abcdefgh",
  "rx_timeout_sec": 30


Returns the SharkRF IP Connector Server's current status, if it's the active connector. Otherwise it'll return 400 Bad Request.

client_connected is 1 if a client is connected.


  "client_connected": 0,
  "client_id": 1234,
  "client_callsign": ""


YSFReflector connector settings query (GET)/change (POST). Returns currently active settings.

Query (optional):

  "server_host": "",
  "rx_freq": 436000000,
  "tx_freq": 436000000,
  "port": 42000,
  "callsign": "",
  "keepalive_interval_sec": 1,
  "rx_timeout_sec": 30


  "rx_freq": 436000000,
  "tx_freq": 436000000,
  "server_host": "",
  "port": 42000,
  "callsign": "",
  "keepalive_interval_sec": 1,
  "rx_timeout_sec": 10

Modem Management


Modem calibration settings query (GET)/change (POST). Returns currently active settings. modem_init_delay_ms is the time needed for the modem to calibrate and initialize.

Query (optional):

  "auto_calibration": 1,
  "recalibrate_temp_diff_in_celsius": 10,
  "recalibrate_rf_ic_temp_diff_in_celsius": 10,
  "temp_read_interval_in_sec": 10,
  "temp_read_delay_in_sec_after_sync_lost": 10,
  "quick_calibrate_delay_in_sec_after_sync_lost": 10


  "modem_init_delay_ms": 3500,
  "auto_calibration": 1,
  "recalibrate_temp_diff_in_celsius": 10,
  "recalibrate_rf_ic_temp_diff_in_celsius": 10,
  "temp_read_interval_in_sec": 10,
  "temp_read_delay_in_sec_after_sync_lost": 10,
  "quick_calibrate_delay_in_sec_after_sync_lost": 10


Modem CW ID settings query (GET)/change (POST). Returns currently active settings.

Query (optional):

  "cwid": "HA2NON",
  "wpm": 25,
  "interval_sec": 600,
  "delay_sec": 30


  "cwid": "HA2NON",
  "wpm": 25,
  "interval_sec": 600,
  "delay_sec": 30


If you want to change the current RX, TX frequency or TX power without reinitializing the modem, you can POST a query to this CGI. Returns currently active settings. modem_init_delay_ms is the time needed for the modem to calibrate and initialize.

DMR demodulation mode values: 0 - A, 1 - B, 2 - C etc.

Query (optional):

  "rx_frequency": 433450000,
  "dmr_demodmode": 0,
  "tx_frequency": 433450000,
  "tx_power_percent": 100


  "modem_init_delay_ms": 100,
  "rx_frequency": 433450000,
  "dmr_demodmode": 0,
  "tx_frequency": 433450000,
  "tx_power_percent": 100


Current modem mode query (GET)/change (POST). Returns currently active settings. modem_init_delay_ms is the time needed for the modem to calibrate and initialize.

  • mode can be:

    • 0: Idle
    • 1: Raw
    • 2: DMR
    • 3: D-STAR
    • 4: C4FM
    • 5: C4FM half deviation mode
  • submode can be:

    • 0: No submode set
    • 1: DMR Hotspot
    • 2: DMR MS
    • 3: DMR BS

Query (optional):

  "mode": 0,
  "submode": 0


  "modem_init_delay_ms": 3500,
  "mode": 0,
  "submode": 0


Modem modulation mode query (GET)/change (POST). Returns currently active settings. modem_init_delay_ms is the time needed for the modem to calibrate and initialize.

  • modulation_mode can be:
    • 0: 2FSK
    • 1: 2FSK Raised Cosine
    • 2: 4FSK
    • 3: 4FSK Raised Cosine

Query (optional):

  "modulation_mode": 0,
  "bitrate": 9600,
  "inner_deviation_hz": 648


  "modem_init_delay_ms": 3500,
  "modulation_mode": 0,
  "bitrate": 9600,
  "inner_deviation_hz": 648


Other modem settings query (GET)/change (POST). Returns currently active settings. modem_init_delay_ms is the time needed for the modem to calibrate and initialize.

agc_auto and external_vco fields are booleans.

Query (optional):

  "rssi_avg_sample_count": 5,
  "bclo_dbm": -80,
  "high_gain_low_linearity": 0,
  "agc_auto": 0,
  "agc_low_threshold_dbm": -50,
  "agc_high_threshold_dbm": -80,
  "external_vco": 0,
  "call_hang_time_ms": 3000


  "modem_init_delay_ms": 3500,
  "rssi_avg_sample_count": 5,
  "bclo_dbm": -80,
  "high_gain_low_linearity": 0,
  "agc_auto": 0,
  "agc_low_threshold_dbm": -50,
  "agc_high_threshold_dbm": -80,
  "external_vco": 0,
  "call_hang_time_ms": 3000


Modem packet settings query (GET)/change (POST). Returns currently active settings. modem_init_delay_ms is the time needed for the modem to calibrate and initialize.

Query (optional):

  "packet_size_in_bits": 288,
  "sync_word_length_in_bits": 24,
  "sync_word_pos_in_packet_in_bits": 0,
  "sync_word_count": 1,
  "sync_word1": "4f5de8",
  "sync_word2": "445566"


  "modem_init_delay_ms": 3500,
  "packet_size_in_bits": 288,
  "sync_word_length_in_bits": 24,
  "sync_word_pos_in_packet_in_bits": 0,
  "sync_word_count": 1,
  "sync_word1": "4f5de8",
  "sync_word2": "445566"


Modem TDMA settings query (GET)/change (POST). Returns currently active settings. modem_init_delay_ms is the time needed for the modem to calibrate and initialize.

Query (optional):

  "tdma_enabled": 1,
  "tdma_pit_calibration_wait_for_packets_num": 2,
  "tdma_pit_calibration_compensation_multiplier": 1.2,
  "tdma_needed_sync_frames_for_tdma_channel_be_valid": 1


  "modem_init_delay_ms": 3500,
  "tdma_enabled": 1,
  "tdma_pit_calibration_wait_for_packets_num": 2,
  "tdma_pit_calibration_compensation_multiplier": 1.2,
  "tdma_needed_sync_frames_for_tdma_channel_be_valid": 1

Mode/Network-specific Settings


BrandMeister API settings query (GET)/change (POST). Returns currently active settings.

Query (optional):

  "apikey": "abcdef"


  "apikey": "abcdef"


General C4FM settings query (GET)/change (POST). Returns currently active settings. dmr_def_cs is the default C4FM callsign for DMR calls.

If only_rx_with_sql_code_en is 1, then the modem only processes C4FM calls with SQL code only_rx_with_sql_code.

If force_sql_code_to_modem_en is 1, all C4FM frames sent to the modem will have SQL code force_sql_code_to_modem set.

If force_sql_code_to_net_en is 1, all C4FM frames sent to the network will have SQL code force_sql_code_to_net set.

Query (optional):

  "dtmf_automute_cmds": 1,
  "dtmf_pcode": "*",
  "dtmf_gcode": "#",
  "transmit_rx_confirmation": 1,
  "dmr_def_cs": "",
  "only_rx_with_sql_code_en": 0,
  "only_rx_with_sql_code": 123,
  "force_sql_code_to_modem_en": 0,
  "force_sql_code_to_modem": 123,
  "force_sql_code_to_net_en": 0,
  "force_sql_code_to_net": 123


  "dtmf_automute_cmds": 1,
  "dtmf_pcode": "*",
  "dtmf_gcode": "#",
  "transmit_rx_confirmation": 1,
  "dmr_def_cs": "",
  "only_rx_with_sql_code_en": 0,
  "only_rx_with_sql_code": 123,
  "force_sql_code_to_modem_en": 0,
  "force_sql_code_to_modem": 123,
  "force_sql_code_to_net_en": 0,
  "force_sql_code_to_net": 123


General DMR settings query (GET)/change (POST). Returns currently active settings.

If no_inband is set to 1, in-band DMR data like GPS pos. or talker alias will not be sent to the modem.

Query (optional):

  "force_talker_alias": "abcd",
  "no_inband": 0,
  "cc": 1,
  "echo_id": 9999,
  "default_c4fm_id": 0,
  "transmit_idle_in_idle_tx_tdma_channel": 1


  "force_talker_alias": "abcd",
  "no_inband": 0,
  "cc": 1,
  "echo_id": 9999,
  "default_c4fm_id": 0,
  "transmit_idle_in_idle_tx_tdma_channel": 1


General D-STAR settings query (GET)/change (POST). Returns currently active settings.

Query (optional):

  "echo_callsign": "       E",
  "transmit_rx_confirmation": 1


  "echo_callsign": "       E",
  "transmit_rx_confirmation": 1


Callsign/CCS7 ID lock settings query (GET)/change (POST). Returns currently active settings.

Query (optional):

  "id1": 2161005,
  "callsign1": "HA2NON",
  "id2": 2161006,
  "callsign2": "HG1MA",
  "id3": 0,
  "callsign3": ""


  "id1": 2161005,
  "callsign1": "HA2NON",
  "id2": 2161006,
  "callsign2": "HG1MA",
  "id3": 0,
  "callsign3": ""


If you want to request a quick DMR call, you can POST a query to this CGI.

Valid call_type values: 0 - group call, 1 - private call.

Query (optional):

  "dst_id": 4000,
  "call_type": 0,
  "tdma_channel": 0




Returns current status of DMR SMS sending, if the modem is in DMR mode. Otherwise it returns 400 Bad Request. It also handles SMS sending.

Call types: 0 - private, 1 - group. Format IDs: 0 - ETSI, 1 - UDP, 2 - UDP/Chinese. See user manual for more info. If a new message is received, rx_msg_valid is 1. Setting a new send_srcid in the query overwrites the default_srcid. If send_to_modem is 0, the SMS will be sent to the currently active connector. If intercept_net_msgs is 1, then SMS messages coming from the network to the default_srcid will be processed. If only_save is 1, the SMS will not get sent, only the send_srcid and intercept_net settings will be stored.

Messages are in hexadecimal UTF16BE format. Example: "BEER" = "0042004500450052" Max. message length which can be sent is currently 75 UTF16BE characters (150 hex char pairs).

Query (optional):

  "only_save": 0,
  "intercept_net_msgs": 0,
  "send_dstid": 2161005,
  "send_calltype": 0,
  "send_srcid": 9998,
  "send_format": 0,
  "send_tdma_channel": 0,
  "send_to_modem": 0,
  "send_msg": "0042004500450052"


  "default_srcid": 9998,
  "intercept_net_msgs": 0,
  "send_ongoing": 0,
  "send_success": 1,
  "send_fail": 0,
  "rx_msg_valid": 0,
  "rx_msg_srcid": 1234,
  "rx_msg_dstid": 9998,
  "rx_msg_calltype": 0,
  "rx_msg_format": 0,
  "rx_msg_from_modem": 0,
  "rx_msg": "0042004500450052"