
My name is Tony. I worked on this change.org clone for about three hours and this is how far I got. I would love any advice or information or suggestions. If you have any of those, feel free to get ahold of me at anthonybphillips.com, or anthony.phillips@gmail.com

This app should be mostly ready to go. I believe following these steps will get you up and running:

  1. git clone git@github.com:sharksforcheap/change.git

  2. bundle

  3. rake db:migrate

  4. rake spec

  5. rspec spec –color

  6. cucumber

I really enjoyed working on this project. I did feel a lot of pressure to work quickly, especially considering the fact that I finished only about three quarters of the requirements. I also felt a little uncomfortable writing tests. One of the main reasons I want to pursue change.org is that I want to develop my testing ability.