
An open-source hook for VRInputEmulator to enable foot and hip tracking with the Kinect

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KinectToVR SFML Version

This repository contains the original source of KinectToVR from Version 0.1 to 0.8 prior to the Qt rewrite.
Active development is done in the GitHub organization

KinectToVR is an application for emulating the functionality of Vive trackers using skeleton tracking from a Kinect for Xbox 360 or Xbox One, or using tracked devices from PSMoveService.

main window


You'll need:

  • Visual Studio 2019 (with: C++, v142 tools, ATL)
    or just build tools for same (see GitHub Actions script)
  • Kinect SDK 1.8 & 2.0 installed and visible in PATH

Follow GitHub Actions script, or:

  • Clone Valve's OpenVR to external/ (eventually remove -master from folder name)
  • Restore NuGet packages for VRInputEmulator and KinectToVR
  • Build lib_vrinputemulator (another solution in external/) in x64/Release (It's set to Debug by default)
  • Build all in KinectToVR in x64/Release


Retrieve the needed libraries either from your own KinectToVR installation folder or from the latest release
This also applies to OpenVR driver folders structure and files.
