
Sample Hello World Java application

This is a classic simple Java console application that prints Hello World! to the command line console.

The template and image buttons point to a Coder deployment and use a custom image with JetBrains IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate. (currently Version: 2021.3.2)

Changelog 13 March 2022 | MM | added MANIFEST.MF, jar, and a package to the .java file

11 March 2022 | MM | update IntelliJ IDEA to Ultimate 2021.3.2 (previously Community edition)

from template

Open in Coder

from image

Open in Coder

Open in Coder

Languages, frameworks used:
  • Java 11
  • Gradle 6.7
Notes / To run this app after cloning, we recommend:
  • To compile, type javac

  • To run, type java HelloWorld

  • ( it is case sensitive, since it is the name of the Class within the Java file )