Use Ansible to provision a full-stack MovableType Server
This project is the project that is constructed Movable Type server that is tolerable to start PSGI at high speed by Ansible automatically.
It is availabe to construct local Vagrant enviornment as wel as remote server.
Initial set up, SSL certificate requirement adn ssh users addition is all constructed automatically.
In addition, the project partly takes a measure about security.
The project doesn't prepare such Vagrant box because it gives priority to bring them up to date. Therefore, it is expected that it takes about 20 minutes to initial set up.
- Support since MovableType 5.2, PSGI or starting CGI.
- Perl5.30
- Nginx
- Unsupported DynamicPublishing
- Apache2.4
- ImageMagick (optional)
- PHP(optional)
- AmazonLinux2 : 7.3
- RHEL7-8/CentOS7-8 : 7.4 (Remi)
- AmazonLinux2/RHEL7/CentOS7 : 5.7
- RHEL8/CentOS8 : 8
- supervisord
- Let'sEncrypt
- Unsupported Vagrant
- ansible2.2 or later
- Vagrant (Optional: Only Vagrant)
- vagrant-hostmanager
- vagrant-vbguest
- Virtualbox (Optional: Only Vagrant)
OS | AWS | GCP | Azure | sakura | vagrant |
Amazon Linux 2 | OK | TBD | TBD | TBD | OK |
RHEL 8 | OK | TBD | TBD | TBD | - |
RHEL 7 | OK | TBD | TBD | TBD | - |
CentOS 8 | OK | TBD | TBD | TBD | OK |
CentOS 7 | OK | TBD | TBD | TBD | OK |
- RHEL : 309956199498
- CentOS :
- CPU Architecture
- support x86_64
$ brew install ansible
$ git clone
- settle to set up homebrew beforehand
- you also need Xcode to install homebrew. You can install Xcode from App Store.
- Install Vagrant
- Install Virtualbox
- Install Vagrant Plugin
$ vagrant plugin install vagrant-hostmanager
- Install AnsibleInstall
- haven't tested Provisioning at Windows environment yet.
- Clone this project to server (or local PC) that will be original Provisioning.
- Move Current Directory to IZANAMI Directory.
- Establish Movable Type(MTOS) file to roles/movabletype/files/
- Please establieh below if you use Plugin.
- Establish Plugin's file to roles/movabletype/files/mt-plugins/
- Establish static file to roles/movabletype/files/mt-static/
- Please establish certificate below if you use SSLcertificate other than Let'sEncrypt'S certificate.
- If you use Nginx roles/nginx/ssl/
- If you use Apache roles/httpd/ssl/
- Create file for public key auathentication that is connected to below'S comand and establish roles/sshd/files/public_keys/(delete .pub filename extension and name file's name as same as SSH user)
$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096
- Hash pass phrase below's comand and take note (will write to ymlfile)
$ Openssl passwd -1 'assign pass phrase that input'
- Copy sample's setting file that is in host_vars and preserve as host's name "yml" that create this time.
- revise directly if that is vagrant
- Change yml file's content as necessary.
- Set up host's name that creates this time to any groups of development,staging,production at host file. (doesn't need if that is vagrant)
You can set indetail server that is targeted provisioning by setting yml file below.
you can comment out as # if you don't use.
server_hostname: "to be server's hostname. You should set dmain name normally"
root_email: "mail suh as logwatch is delivered to email address that you set"
letsencrypt: set at True/False whether you instal letsencrypt or not. Please set as True if you want to use SSL for free.
php: install mod_php if you set server as apache. Please set as True if ou use DynamicPublishing. You should set as False if you set server as Cure.
nginx: Please set as True if you set httpserver as nginx. Please set as False if you use apache. You can't us htaccess.
apache: Please set as True if you set http server as apache. Please set as False if you use nginx. Only available either one.
owner: "Don't need to revise"
file: write MovableType's file name
ver: set Directory's name after unzipping MovableType's file name
psgi: Please set as True if you start server with PSGI. Normally set as True
config: #Available to choose more than one below's list
- {name: 'mt-config choose list's name that will set late', please set value: ''}
plugins: #available to choose more than one below's list
- set Plugin's name
name: Choose MySQL's DB name. Don't need to create DB beforehand.
user: Choose MySQL's user name. Don't need to create user beforehand.
passwd: 'set MySQL password.Use alphanumeric character with small and big letter. More than 8 letters.'
server: Set MySQL server's IP adress. Normally, ther is no problem to set as localhost.
upportedasic: #Please comment out 3 sentences with begining # if you don't use Basic authentication.
user: Choose user name if set to access to mt with Basic authentication.
passwd: set password of Basic authentication.
vhosts: #you can choose more than one below's list.
- name: set domain's name that will construct server
letsencrypt: Please set as True if you aquire SSl at Let'sencrypt
use: Transfer certification file to roles/nginx/ssl/ or roles/httpd/ssl/ if that is True
only: Please set as True every time you use True. It's alright to set as True when you use SSL
crt: Choose certification file if that is special certification
key: Choose key file name if that is special certifivation
ca_crt: Choose interval certification name if that is special certificcation
email: Set mail address that send information about expiration date if you use "Let'sEncrypt"
relay: True or False
from: from domain
- { name: wheel_user1, group: "wheel", password: "hash" }
- { name: ssh_user1, group: "{{ shared_group }}", password: "hash" } # ssh only user
- { name: sftponly_user1, group: "{{ sftponly_group }}", password: "hash" } # not wheel user
$ vagrant up
Please set each server's initial user like ec2-user if that is EC2
$ ansible-playbook -s -i hosts site.yml -u "SSH user for constructing server" --private-key="set private key file for kry authentication" -l "set server name that set hosts file" --set extra-vars="mysql_root_password="mysql's root password(need big and small leter, english numbers and letters)""
$ ansible-playbook -s -i hosts site.yml -u ec2-user --private-key=~/.ssh/id_rsa -l --extra-vars="mysql_root_password="@Passwd123""
- Access to MT
- Remote server http[s]://fqdn/mt/mt.cgi
- Vagrant http://amzn2.local/mt/admin
- Document root
- remote server /var/www/vhosts/fqdn/htdocs
- Vagrant /var/www/vhosts/amzn2.local/htdocs
- access domain for starting with Vagrant
- http://amzn2.local
- need to host setting for if you haven't install vagrant-hostmanager plugin yet
- restaring MT
- [MT GUI] restart with PSGI at system menu
- [SSH] supervisorctl pid movabletype | xargs kill -HUP