
CSE 447/517 UW - Noah Smith

Primary LanguagePython


This repo contains various algorithms from the NLP domain. The following folders contains the following algorithms:

  1. A1: Sentiment lexicon-based classifier
    • Code to train a (binary) logistic regression classifier to classify movie reviews as positive or negative
    • The classifier was implemented from scratch, without using any existing implementation of logistic regression, stochastic gradient descent, or automatic differentiation
  2. A2: n-gram Modelling
    • Built and evaluated a unigram, bigram and trigram language models
    • The models were evaluated using perplexity scores
    • The code also contains linear interpolation smoothing for better performance of the language models
  3. A3: Text classification using GloVE word embeddings
    • Classified movie reviews using pre-trained word embeddings
    • Fine tuned the weights of the word embeddings for better performance
  4. A4: Viterbi Algorithm
    • Coded a modified version of the viterbi algorithm to decode the sentences, replacing each “masked” character with a character from the bigram model’s vocabulary.
  5. A5: Byte-Pair Encoding
    • Implemented the BPE algorithm from scratch