
An Entry Management Website to handle the hassle of sending conformation mail and messages automatically.

Primary LanguagePython

Entry Management System

An Entry Management System using Django (A Python-based free and open-source web framework)

In this project you have a management software which will take details from the visitor and when the visitor Check's In for the meeting, server will automatically inform the host about the meeting (vai Mail and SMS) with all details of the Visitor. And when the Visitor Check's Out it will send the details (via Mail and SMS) to the Visitor about the meeting attended.


  1. First Page will ask the user if he/she want to Check In or Check Out.

Index Page

  1. Now let us suppose you are the Visitor and you want to attend a meeting with all details as follows:
  • Visitor's Name: ABC
  • Visitor's Phone No: 0000000000 (standard Indian Phone No.)
  • Visitor's Email Id: abc@gmail.com
  • Host Name: XYZ
  • Host Phone No: 1234567890 (standard Indian Phone No.)
  • Host Email Id: xyz@gmail.com


When you click the Check In button, the server will automatically generate a Mail and SMS to the host, informing him/her about the details of the Visitor with their Check In Time.

  1. Now let us suppose the meeting is over and you want to Check Out. So you just select Check Out option from the Home menu and enter your Phone No. which you used while Checking In. And the server will automatically generate a Mail and SMS and send it to the Visitor with all details with their Check Out Time

Check Out


  • You will need to provide the server with a Mail Id and Password with which it would send E-Mails.

You can do so by going to the file Mail.py and providing with the SENDER_EMAIL and PASSWORD




Please make sure you have Enabled Allow Less Secure Apps functionality in your gmail settings. If not you can do so by following the steps given on Allow Less Sucure Apps

  • You also need to SignUp on way2sms, and copy the API_KEY and Secret_key from the API section API of the website which we will use to send SMS.

Now Paste the API_KEY and SECRET_KEY in the file views.py



Installation and Running

  • Run the command
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

to install all the required dependencies.

  • Now run the command
python3 manage.py runserver

to run the Django server on your localhost.

Sometimes an error may be raised, specifying that the port is already in use. So, don't worry just run the command

python3 manage.py runserver

Changing the 8090 with any port number until the error is gone and the server is up and running.

If the browser does not open automatically then,

  • Open your favourite browser and type<port number you specified above>(by default 8000)

Congratulations, the code is up and running

Django Admin

You can see the data inside the database in the Django Admin Panel.

Just go to the link<port number you specified above> (by default 8000)/admin


Now it will ask for username and password. I have already created a superuser with the following details

Username: test
Password: test@1234

But you can create another Super User with your preferred Username and Password by running the command

python3 manage.py createsuperuser

and filling the details as they appear (You can leave the email option blank)

For deleting a superuser, run the command

python3 manage.py shell

Inside the shell, execute the following lines

$ from django.contrib.auth.models import User
$ User.objects.get(username="<username>", is_superuser=True).delete()

replacing the username tag with the username you want to delete.