
IBM Watson On Aug 2016, Columbus Collaboratory, an advanced analytics and cybersecurity company, released CognizeR , an opensource R extension that brings the power of IBM's Watson directly to data scientists so they can tap into cognitive services without leaving their native development environment. Previously, data scientists would need to exit R and code the calls to the Cognitive APIs in another language, such as Java or Python, to integrate these services — but standing today, CognizeR has shortened this journey by providing quick and easy access. Now comes the major hurdle. CognizeR package is still in its beta mode and is not available in the CRAN archive. So you need to install Cognizer I have used a Windows 10 (64bit OS) which has the RStudio installed with R version 3.3.2 (freely available). Step 1: Download and Install Rtools Rtools is an executable for building R for windows. Download Rtools33 and install it. Step 2: Install the dependency packages in RStudio

install.packages("devtools") install.packages("curl") Step 3: Install cognizer package from github in RStudio devtools::install_github("ColumbusCollaboratory/cognizer") The complete code with output is in the R file in this folder