Skip to Running MEDIator Container section if you just want to use MEDIator in a container.
MEDIator is built with JDK 1.8 and Apache Maven 3.
mvn package
After building MEDIator locally, follow the below steps to build and push the MEDIator container.
$ sudo docker build -t mediator:1.0.0 .
$ sudo docker image ls
$ docker tag mediator:1.0.0 pradeeban/mediator:1.0.0
$ docker login
$ docker push pradeeban/mediator:1.0.0
Create config.yaml in your execution directory with the correct access information and credentials (TCIA user name and password) to access the TCIA REST API with authentication.
Sample configuration files can be found at the conf folder (config.test.yaml and config.simple.test.yaml).
Execute the MEDIatorEngine class to start MEDIator.
java -classpath lib/mediator-core-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar:lib/*:conf/ edu.emory.bmi.mediator.core.MEDIatorEngine
You may extend or leverage the exposed APIs. To begin with, you may consume the MEDIator RESTful APIs through a REST client such as the Postman plugin of the Chrome browser or test with the Python client included in the mediator-client package.
MEDIator, by default, runs on port 8040, that can be changed by changing the REST_PORT constant in the CommonConstants class.
The implementation of the RESTful invocations can be found at TciaReplicaSetManager.
First, configure jgroups correctly via jgroups.xml. We are using the TCP configurations here. Jgroups also can be configured with UDP.
Edit the below line with correct IP addresses. Please note that "localhost" or "" does not work as an IP address here.
To add more instances to the cluster, start the instances of Initiator class.
java -classpath lib/mediator-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar:lib/*:conf/ edu.emory.bmi.mediator.core.Initiator
You will see logs similar to the below, as more Initiator instances join the MEDIator cluster:
GMS: address=pradeeban-25946, cluster=ISPN, physical address=
14:00:30.367 [main] INFO org.infinispan.CLUSTER - ISPN000094: Received new cluster view for channel ISPN: [pradeeban-17789|2] (3) [pradeeban-17789, pradeeban-4769, pradeeban-25946]
Alternatively, you may run MEDIator as a container.
$ docker run --name mediator -p 8040:8040 pradeeban/mediator:1.0.0
To create, update, replace, duplicate, and delete replicasets from the TCIA data, follow the REST client provided in modules/mediator-client/.
If you have used MEDIator in your research, please cite the below papers:
Kathiravelu, P., Sharma, A., Galhardas, H., Van Roy, P., & Veiga, L. On-Demand Big Data Integration: A Hybrid ETL Approach for Reproducible Scientific Research. In Distributed and Parallel Databases (DAPD). (JCR IF: 1.179, Q2). pp. 1 – 23. Sep. 2018. Springer.
Kathiravelu, P. & Sharma, A. (2015). MEDIator: A Data Sharing Synchronization Platform for Heterogeneous Medical Image Archives. In Workshop on Connected Health at Big Data Era (BigCHat'15), co-located with 21st ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD 2015). Aug. 2015. ACM. 6 pages.
Kathiravelu, P. & Sharma, A. (2016). SPREAD - System for Sharing and Publishing Research Data. In Society for Imaging Informatics in Medicine Annual Meeting (SIIM 2016). June 2016.