Pinned Repositories
Using Machine Learning Algorithms for Regression Analysis to predict the sales pattern and Using Data Analysis and Data Visualizations to Support it.
Data Visualizations is emerging as one of the most essential skills in almost all of the IT and Non IT Background Sectors and Jobs. Using Data Visualizations to make wiser decisions which could land the Business to make bigger profits and understand the root cause and behavioral analysis of people and customers associated to it. In this Repository I have deeply discussed about Line Plots, Bar plots, Scatter Plots, and Pie Charts, Apart from that I have Discussed scientific plots, 3d plots, animated plots, interactive plots to visualize any kind of business problem and that too of any complexity.
Analyzing the Drugs Descriptions, conditions, reviews and then recommending it using Deep Learning Models, for each Health Condition of a Patient.
This is a project based on the FIFA World Cup 2019 and Analyzes the Performance and Efficiency of Teams, Players, Countries and other related things using Data Analysis and Data Visualizations
Detecting Frauds in Online Transactions using Anamoly Detection Techniques Such as Over Sampling and Under-Sampling as the ratio of Frauds is less than 0.00005 thus, simply applying Classification Algorithm may result in Overfitting
Analyzing the HR Criteria of a Company and how they promote their Employees and keep Balance between them using Data Analytics, Data Visualizations, and Machine Learning Models for Classification Purposes.
In this Data set we are Predicting the Insurance Claim by each user, Machine Learning algorithms for Regression analysis are used and Data Visualization are also performed to support Analysis.
Learning Statistics is one of the most Important step to get into the World of Data Science and Machine Learning. Statistics helps us to know data in a much better way and explains the behavior of the data based upon certain factors. It has many Elements which help us to understand the data better that includes Probability, Distributions, Descriptive Analysis, Inferential Analysis, Comparative Analysis, Chi-Square Test, T Test, Z test, AB Testing etc.
It is a Natural Language Processing Problem where Sentiment Analysis is done by Classifying the Positive tweets from negative tweets by machine learning models for classification, text mining, text analysis, data analysis and data visualization
Predicting the Quality of Red Wine using Machine Learning Algorithms for Regression Analysis, Data Visualizations and Data Analysis.
sharmaroshan's Repositories
Detecting Frauds in Online Transactions using Anamoly Detection Techniques Such as Over Sampling and Under-Sampling as the ratio of Frauds is less than 0.00005 thus, simply applying Classification Algorithm may result in Overfitting
Analyzing the HR Criteria of a Company and how they promote their Employees and keep Balance between them using Data Analytics, Data Visualizations, and Machine Learning Models for Classification Purposes.
In this Data set we are Predicting the Insurance Claim by each user, Machine Learning algorithms for Regression analysis are used and Data Visualization are also performed to support Analysis.
This is a project based on the FIFA World Cup 2019 and Analyzes the Performance and Efficiency of Teams, Players, Countries and other related things using Data Analysis and Data Visualizations
Using Machine Learning Algorithms for Regression Analysis to predict the sales pattern and Using Data Analysis and Data Visualizations to Support it.
Anamoly Detection for Detecting Defected Manufactured Semi-Conductors, as in this case of Classification, the Defected Chips would be very less in comparison to perfect Chips so we have apply either Over-Sampling or Under-Sampling.
It is from a kaggle competition where we have to predict the future sales using Machine Learning or Deep Learning. It is a Advanced Regression Problem where Statistics and time series analysis is also required. This problem can be very well done by Deep Learning's Model Recurrent Neural Networks.
Predicting Prices for the products to be sold on Black Friday in US using Regression Analysis, Feature Engineering, Feature Selection, Feature Extraction and Data analysis - Data Visualizations.
Optimizing the best Ads using Reinforcement learning Algorithms such as Thompson Sampling and Upper Confidence Bound.
Analyzing the Features which leads to heart diseases and visualizing the models' performance and important features using eli5, shap and pdp.
Using Apriori Algorithm to do Market Basket Analysis of Customers purchasing behaviours. It can predict what the customer is going to buy next by looking at the products he is buying.
Clustering Analysis Performed on the Customers of a Mall based on some common attributes such as salary, buying habits, age and purchasing power etc, using Machine Learning Algorithms.
Predicting Algae's age using different attributes and Machine Learning Algorithms for Regression Analysis.
Using Natural Language Processing, Data Visualizations and Classification Algorithms of Machine Learning
Recognizing the Digits from 0-9 using their pixel values as attributes, using Deep Learning Model to Classify the Digits.
One of the most basic data sets to learn and implement some of the most easy and basic algorithms of machine learning and visualization
Evaluating a Car based on some popular attributes which could be beneficial in decision making while purchasing a Car, Who do not have enough knowledge about Cars.
It is a heavy Data set which consists of many sub-parts.It is based on Electricity and gas usage in that country. It can be solved using different approaches of machine learning and deep learning.
This is Project which contains Data Visualization, EDA, Machine Learning Modelling for Checking the Sentiments.
It is one of the most basic repository to understand the basics and apply machine learning algorithms on it.
It is one of the most basic repository to understand the basics and apply machine learning algorithms on it.
It is a Natural Language Processing Problem where we have to decide the sentiments of the users who reviewed the course. and then classifying the reviews into positive and negative.
It is From Analytics Vidhya Hackathons, Sponsored by Club Mahindra. It is based on Regression Problem, Where Accuracy matters the most, It is measured by RMSE Score. Different Techniques such as Stacking, Ensembling, Boosting and Scientific Operations such box-cox Operations to reduce skewness of the data.
It is a Basic Natural Language Processing Project based on Sentiment Analysis, there are two types of mails Spam and Ham and we have to Classify them using Machine Learning and NLP Algorithms to detect the Spam Mails.
Statistics for Suicide Analysis for all the countries in the world using Machine Learning Algorithms to find some interesting patterns, solutions and Clues about Suicides using Data Analysis and Data Visualizations
It is a Advanced Problem of Regression which requires advanced techniques of feature engineering, feature selection and extraction, modelling, model evaluation, and Statistics.
It is from Kaggle Competitions where the training dataset is very small and the testing dataset is very large and we have to avoid or reduce overfiting by looking for best possible ways to overcome the most popular problem faced in field of predictive analytics.
My first Machine Learning Repository, It is based on Classification of three different classes called setosa, virginica and versicolor
It is an Image Processing Challenge where we have to identify the Aerial Cactus using Deep Learning Techniques. I have used fastai library to make this work even easier.
This is a Repository made for Coursera Assignments, and Tutorials which includes many interesting plots such as waffle charts, folium charts, chloropeth charts etc.