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ProGrad Lab | Superwars Stage 3

Well, in case you forgot the story line, then here it is.

Dustin and Lucus are best friends. They spend their weekends watching superhero series and playing superhero games. One Friday at school Mr.Hooper, their computer science faculty taught them HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Dustin & Lucus realised they could build super cool super hero stuff using their knowledge.

The subsequent weekend, they decided to do it. Lucus and Dustin are now all set to build something super cool.

Lucus always loves protagonists like most of us. But Dustin is quite crazy, he likes antagonists. So they decided to collect a bunch of their favorite Super Heroes and Super Villains names along with their pictures. Did they tell you about the game that they are gonna build?

Okay, let us explain. They are going to facilitate the ultimate war between Super Heroes and Super Villains. As they are new to these technologies, they need a ProGrad to help them build this game.

What should you do

Fork this repo
Clone this repo
Practice JavaScript Basics - Operators, Conditions, Loops

How To Submit

Upon completion, run the following commands:

git add .
git commit -m "ProGrad ID"
git push origin master

And finally, create a pull request so your ProGrad Mentor (PM) can review your work.

Starter code

The src/app.js contains an array of 20 Super Heroes and Super-Villains. We are talking about the array of 20 strings containing each Super Heroes and Super-Villains names. Here is one example of how the data is displayed:



Open the SpecRunner.html file on your browser and start coding to pass the test. Remember to focus on one test at a time and read carefully the instructions to understand what you have to do.

Progression 1: Keep it simple

In initPlayers(), map pass a constant array and create JSON Objects, such that each player contains name, strength, image url and type.

  • Use default strength as any number.
  • image can be sequential i.e. "images/super-"+(i+1)+".png"
  • type of player can alternating between hero and villain or your own logic.
  • It should return an array of player objects.
            name:"Super Man",

Progression 2: Shrink down

In buildPlayers(), instead of using for loop, use chaining of Array methods - filter, map and join to loop through the created JSON objects and accumulate HTML template as below and return that HTML template.

<div class="player">
   <img src="${players[i].image}">
   <div class="name">${players[i].name}</div>
   <div class="strength">${players[i].strength}</div>

Expected Output


Happy Coding ProGrad ❤️