
prometheus for runtime clusters

Primary LanguageHTMLApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

prometheus for runtime clusters


  • kubectl, helm
  • Ruby and gem install rake erubis


If you want Slack or VictorOps notifications write a file: env/prod.yaml.

It may specify:

  • slack_hook: URL to Slack hook
  • slack_warnings: channel name for warnings, full name like #ops-warnings
  • slack_errors: channel name for errors, full name like #ops-errors
  • victorops_api_key: API key to VictorOps
  • victorops_routing: VictorOps routing policy name

Please note that if you set slack_hook, you're reqiuired to set both slack_warnings and slack_errors.
If you set victorops_api_key, victorops_routing is also required.


  • switch your k8s context to needed
  • rake [env=prod] cluster=... to install or update your installation
    you may need rake ... args='--set prometheusOperator.createCustomResource=false'
  • rake destroy to remove the deployment

cluster could be any helpful string to identify alerts.
use env=prod if you have env/prod.yaml, if you don't, just omit this part.

if you need to pass multiple Helm args or whitespace, escape them:

  • rake args='--dry-run --debug'

Access services


kubectl -n monitoring port-forward svc/cprom-prometheus-operator-prometheus 9090


kubectl -n monitoring port-forward svc/cprom-prometheus-operator-alertmanager 9093


kubectl -n monitoring port-forward svc/cprom-grafana 3000:80