
Tool for extracting the data which is logged by BabyDaybook app users

Primary LanguagePython


'Baby Daybook' application is a newborn tracker app to log activities such as breastfeeding, sleeping, pooping, etc. in order to monitor the development of the child.

The parents who use this app insert a lot of data into it over time. While the app supplies statistics and exportable PDF file (for paying users only) it doesn't grant access to the raw data.

The BabyDaybookExtractor solves this limitation by utilizing the backup mechanism of the app, and extract a pandas dataframe with all the data. This, allows the interested parent to research the data and find interesting patterns or learn from the statistics.



Make sure you have a python environment in version 3.7 or higher. To install python follow this guide.

Extract The Data

Step 0: From the app

In the application, under the Account window, click on the settings wheel icon (top right). Then, select Backup & Restore and press the sharing icon. Choose your preferable method of getting this file to the computer (e.g., emailing yourself).

Step 1: From the computer

Run the BabyDaybookExtractor on the file as follows:

python babydaybook_extrator.py -i /PATH/TO/DOWNLOADED/BabyDaybook_20211024.db -o /PATH/TO/output.csv

This will create a csv file with all the data, which can be opened by pandas or any other way.

Step 2: [Optional] Analysis

This is an example for analysing the data, using pandas library. To run it the python environment must have pandas library installed. To install it, run python -m pip install pandas.

Then, use a python interactive session:

import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv('/PATH/TO/output.csv')

# Out[]: 
#     breastfeeding                        404
#     sleeping                             147
#     diaper_change                        143
#     bath                                  25
#     temperature                           11

df[df.activity == 'breastfeeding'][['left_duration_seconds', 'right_duration_seconds']].mean()
# Out[]: left_duration_seconds     431.508317
#        right_duration_seconds    573.674952
df[df.activity == 'diaper_change'][['poo', 'pee']].sum()
# Out[]: 
#     poo    130
#     pee    139