
A GPG pinentry program that retrieves a passphrase from 1Password

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT


A quickly-thrown-together GPG pinentry program that knows only how to retrieve a predetermined passphrase from 1Password.


There is no easy installer yet. There might never be one.

  • Ensure prerequisites are installed: GPG, 1Password, 1Password CLI.

  • Build.

    cargo build --release
  • Create a file pinentry-op.cfg in the same directory as the binary. The content of the file should be the 1Password item reference of the passphrase. For example:

  • Edit gpg-agent.conf to point to the binary.

    pinentry-program D:\Code\Self\pinentry-op\target\release\pinentry-op.exe


Run this:

echo "" > test.txt
gpgconf --reload gpg-agent
gpg --sign --dry-run --yes test.txt

1Password should prompt to authorize gpg-agent for CLI access.

1Password authorization prompt screenshot