
Some hacks on top of Alain Picard's CSV parser

Primary LanguageCommon Lisp

CSV parsing/writing utilities, a la Microsoft Excel.

Author: Alain Picard <apicard@optushome.com.au>
         (also alain.picard@memetrics.com)


  Differences from Faré's CSV reader:

  * this one can import DOS formatted files into a unix image,
    and not have the redundant ^M splattered at the end of the fields.
    This is important when processing a file on a Unix server which
    is being uploaded via HTTP by some poor schmuck on a windoze box.

  * Handles empty trailing fields properly

  * comes with test suite, to see the semantics I've chosen to implement

  * I've included a couple of high-level goodies, like
    do-csv-file and map-csv-file, as well as the ability
    to control the range of line-numbers on which to apply
    your code.  Pretty simple stuff, but useful.

  * You get a CSV-file writer, for free!  :-)