
MikuAuahDark's Various Lua Libraries

Primary LanguageLua

NPad Libraries

Various NPad Lua libraries for LOVE can be found here. Most libs are single files unless noted.

Check each file/folder for license terms.


This is not a library, but it's TypeScript definitions meant to be used with TypeScriptToLua.

Each file correspond to each module, unless noted. Note that some module may not have TypeScript definitions, yet.


NPad Vector library, LuaJIT FFI-accelerated hump.vector-compatible vector library. Meant as drop-in replacement of hump.vector. Originally written for my game for optimization purpose, but I think it's better if I make this as standalone and let everyone use it.

For documentation, check out hump.vector documentation: https://hump.readthedocs.io/en/latest/vector.html


NPad Color Grading, provides easy color grading for your post-processing needs.

For documentation, check out the ngrading folder.


NPad Wave Function Collapse, WFC implemented in Lua and tries to be 1:1 mapping between the original WFC.


NPad FFI/Fast/Fine Math Library, meant as alternative to CPML. Work in progress!

Functions mostly follows GLSL function names.


NPad Logging library.

  • Uses ANSI color codes on Linux, macOS, and Windows 10 1607

  • Uses Windows console API on Windows 10 prior 1607

  • Uses Android native logging functions

This library missed iOS implementation and may not run with it.

The log level are divided by 4: info, warn, error, and debug. NLog exports nlog.info, nlog.warn, ... and so on. Furthermore, there's also functions with f suffix (nlog.infof) which accepts formatted string same as string.format.

There's nlog.getLevel to retrieve the current logging level:

  • 0 = don't print anything

  • 1 = print errors (nlog.error/nlog.errorf)

  • 2 = print warnings (nlog.warn/nlog.warnf)

  • 3 = print information (nlog.info/nlog.infof)

  • 4 = print debug information (nlog.debug/nlog.debugf)

Ensure to modify the ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE variable prior using the library. It's NLOG_LOGLEVEL environment variable by default.


NPad Layouting Library

NLay (pronounced "Enlay") is layouting library inspired by the flexibility of Android's ConstraintLayout. This layouting library attempts to implement subset of the ConstraintLayout layouting functionality.

NLay is NOT full UI library. It merely function as helper on element placement on the screen. However you are 100% allowed to use NLay for your full featured UI library!



Code to reproduce rectangle placement above are as follows

local NLay = require("nlay")
local love = require("love")

local function drawRectCenter(text, rect, font)
	local w = font:getWidth(text)
	local h = font:getHeight()
	local root = NLay

	local x, y = NLay.inside(rect):constraint(rect, rect, rect, rect):size(w, h):get()
	love.graphics.print(text, font, x, y)

function love.load()

function love.draw()
	local root = NLay
	local insideRoot = NLay.inside(root, 10)

	local rect1 = insideRoot:constraint(root, root)
		:size(100, 100)
	local rect2 = insideRoot:constraint(root, rect1, nil, root)
		:size(0, 100)
		:margin({nil, 10})
	local rect3 = insideRoot:constraint(rect2, rect2, nil, rect2)
		:size(150, 100)
	local rect4 = insideRoot:constraint(rect3, rect3)
		:into(false, true)
		:size(75, 100)

	love.graphics.setColor(0.3, 0.3, 0.3)
	love.graphics.rectangle("fill", rect1:get())
	love.graphics.rectangle("fill", rect2:get())
	love.graphics.rectangle("fill", rect3:get())
	love.graphics.rectangle("fill", rect4:get())

	local font = love.graphics.getFont()
	love.graphics.setColor(1, 1, 1)
	drawRectCenter("Rectangle 1", rect1, font)
	drawRectCenter("Rectangle 2", rect2, font)
	drawRectCenter("Rectangle 3", rect3, font)
	drawRectCenter("Rectangle 4", rect4, font)

function love.resize()

Features not implemented yet:

Documentation can be found at https://github.com/MikuAuahDark/NPad93/blob/master/doc/NLay.md