
Sample SQL driven website for reservations.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Cute Cat Cafe



Contains modules specific to each entity or entity pair.

  • beverage.js: Select, Insert, Update, and Delete queries for Beverages and BeverageIngredients
  • cat.js: Select, Insert, Update, and Delete queries for Cats
  • customer.js: Select, Insert queries for Customers. Contains helper functions for one-way hash on passwords. Select queries for Orders/OrderItems and Reservations for a single customer.
  • order.js: Insert queries for Orders and OrderItems.
  • reservation.js: Select query for available Rooms, Insert query for Reservations.
  • room.js: Select, Insert, Update, and Delete queries for Rooms.


Main handler for site functionality. Contains all get and post routes.


Contains connection information to database.


Helper function for making a mysql pool connection to a database.


Holds the default menu and other variables used across multiple site pages.


Contains helper functions to be resused by multiple backend functions. Contains the helper for updating the menu for authenticated users.



  • css: Custom css and vendor css for imported modules.
  • fonts: Fontawesome for icons used on site
  • images: Images licensed from Shutterstock for the site banner
  • js: Primary handlers for each page on the site
    • main.js: Common functions for all pages such as easing and menu
    • account.js: Get requests or Customer, Reservations, and Orders for a single customer.
    • beverages.js: Get and Post requests for managing Beverages in Admin/Beverages.
    • cats.js: Get and Post requests for managing Cats in Admin/Cats.
    • checkout.js: Grabs session stored cart and makes Post request to populate Orders and OrderItems.
    • ingredients.js: Get and Post requests for managing Ingredients in Admin/Ingredients.
    • menu.js: Get request for populating a menu and session storage for adding items to a cart.
    • reservation.js: Get request for available rooms and then Post to add a Reservation to the database. Support for deleting a Reservation for a Customer.
    • rooms.js: Get and Post requests for managing Rooms in Admin/Rooms.
    • util.js: Helper functions for populating tables and clearing parts of the page used by all pages.


  • layouts/: main.handlebars - Site styling around
  • partials/: footer.handlebars, nav.handlebars - Styling for header and footer for each page.
  • 404.handlebars
  • account.handlebars - Select customer, Select Orders/OrderItems, Select Reservations, Delete Reservations.
  • admin.handlebars - Sub navigation to the four admin pages. Requires authenticated user with isAdmin.
  • beverages.handlebars - Select Beverages, Select Ingredients, Insert Beverages/BeverageIngredients, Update Beverages/Beverage Ingredients. Requires authenticated user with isAdmin.
  • cats.handlebars - Select available Rooms, Select Cats, Insert Cats/Update Rooms, Delete Cats. Requires authenticated user with isAdmin.
  • checkout.handlebars - Insert Orders/OrderItems. Requires authenticated user.
  • index.handlebars - Site index with links to each page.
  • ingredients.handlebars - Select Ingredients, Update Ingredients, Delete Ingredients. Requires authenticated user with isAdmin.
  • login.handlebars - Select existing Customer.
  • menu.handlebars - Select Beverages.
  • register.handlebars - Insert Customer.
  • reservations.handlebars - Select available Rooms in time period, Insert Reservation. Requires authenticated user.
  • rooms.handlebars - Select available Cats, Select Rooms, Insert Rooms/Update Cats, Delete Rooms. Requires authenticated user with isAdmin.


Holds copies of sql files for all of the queries used by the database. Not imported by the backend.