3D Visualisation of UK No-Fly Zones

A browser-based 3D map to explore UK government defined no-fly zones: UK No Fly Zones No Fly Zone Close-Up



  1. Clone this repository
  2. Open a terminal window (Start button followed by typing cmd and hitting return)
  3. Make sure you are in this local directory (the one with the index.htm file)
  4. Type:
    python -m http.server 80 
    This runs a Web Server on your local PC (using port 80) that serves up the files from this directory
  5. Open a web browser on the same PC (such as Chrome or Edge)
  6. In the URL window, type:
    This should bring up the 3D view of the world. You can pan and zoom, and select the red no-fly zones for details of each.
  7. When you are finished, go back to the terminal window and hit CTRL-C to terminate the Web Server.