Morning Dash is your day at a glance. See local weather, your commute, and calendar events all in one place.
Every morning many of us check the same things: the weather, the commute to work, and important calendar events. Why go to 3 places instead of 1.
Morning Dash is an app that lets you quickly glance at these things to get an overview of your day.
- User can sign up, sign in, and sign out
- User can save personal settings for each other MVP.
- user signs up then can link their google calendar
- Sign up form allows them to set up their home and work location
- set up their daily commute (home, work, work-arrival, work-leave)
- Use Google Directions API to set routes for commutes
- Bonus: Set preferred routes/method of travel for every commute
- Indicate if will rain during commute
- Use DarkSky API to obtain weather
- Display local weather in 2 hour increments
- Use Google Calendar API to obtain user appointments
- Display the next few hours of appointments listed in Google Calendar
- Utilizes 1000px width as a breakpoint to dynamically change from mobile to desktop view and vice versa.
- Designed for mobile first and then scaled up to desktop to ensure good mobile experience.
- Designed to be a single page app to show users information as quickly as possible.
- React Portal/Context APIs used to create compound modal for reusability
- Backend: MongoDB / Express /Node
- Google Transit API
- The Google Directions API we have a global limit of unlimited and a limit per minute of 5000
- Weather
- The DarkSkyAPI has 1000 calls per day for free.
- Google Calendar
- The Google Calendar API is similar to the Directions API.