
NPM module that utilizes the AWS secrets manager to gather secrets and temporarily store them.

For more details, navigate to Database Parameters-secrets Documentation


In your app, install the following:

npm i aws-secrets-manager --save

Then :

//install the dependency
const  SecretManager  =  require("aws-secrets-manager");

//setup the options (all required)

let  opts  = {
	awsSdkOptions:  { region:  "us-east-1" },
	secrets: ['etc'],
	throwOnFailedCall: true || false,
	cacheExpiryInMillis (ttl): Math.floor( + 5 * 60000) //store secret for given TTL (default 5 minutes)


region String You must specify a aws region. 'us-west-2'
secrets Array<String> You must specify the secret names e.g. [ 'etc', ... ]
cache boolean A simple but flexible caching layer. If caching is ON, and cache expiration is ON, and enough time has passed, then also load it from SecretsManager false
secretsCache Array<Object{}> Fetches parameters from AWS Secrets Manager JSON { etc: {key: value} } }
secretsLoadedAt Int If caching is OFF, or we haven't loaded anything yet, then definitely load it from SecretsManager 1579822343
TTL Int TTL will check in at least every 5 minutes to retrieve the latest secrets 1579822359

Publish TODO

npm version <newversion>
git push --follow-tags

This will publish your package to NPM registry.

If you want to make changes to your package, you have to change the version number and publish again.

Remember to use npm commands npm version patch, npm version minor and npm version major to update the version automatically rather than manually updating them. These commands are based on semantic versioning.