For running the code in your systems you have to follow below steps:

  1. Open GitHub repository :

  2. Fork it into your own GitHub account. (optional)

  3. Open that repo in your GitHub desktop , you can skip this step and download zip version of the whole code also.

  4. After having the whole code in your local drives open it in VSCode .

  5. In VScode terminal run the following commands in terminal showing the path where the code folder lies :

python makemigrations python migrate python runserver

After these commands ran successfully you will get a link in the terminal Open that link in your browser and website will start running. I am attaching some images for reference. For running the code python version should be 3.9 and many libraries must be installed in the system otherwise it will show error. Feel free to contact and any member of Knowledge Platform team will assist you in running the platform successfully by installing all libraries in your system. Requirements.txt contains the name and version of libraries used for reference. Once done I will make the repository private .