
A dockerized react maze game application

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Mario Maze

A dockerized react application for Mario maze game.

How to play

  1. Select the the dimensions of the maze grid.
  2. Try to collect all mushrooms in minimum number of steps.
  3. Voila! Your score is displayed along with your status when you clear the field.



How to develop

  1. Fork and clone using git clone
  2. npm install in root directory to install dependencies.
  3. npm run start to start the development server with file watch mode on.
  4. Make changes and see your results instantly on localhost:3000.

How to install (from Docker Image)

docker pull shashabot/react_maze_image-prod

Docker Image

How to install (with docker-compose)

  1. Fork and clone your forked repository.
  2. Run npm run docker:prod:run for production build.


Use npm run lint to start it manually. Note: Automatic linting set up with React Webpack dev server with "ESLint" and "Prettier".