
Sample project demonstrating how you cannot enable view binding on more than one DFM in an app

Primary LanguageKotlin

View Binding DFM Bug

Sample project demonstrating how you cannot enable view binding on more than one DFM in an app.


./gradlew assembleDebug


* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':app:checkDebugLibraries'.
> [:dynamicfeature, :dynamicfeature2] all package the same library [androidx.databinding:viewbinding].
  Multiple APKs packaging the same library can cause runtime errors.
  Placing each of the above libraries in its own dynamic feature and adding that
  feature as a dependency of modules requiring it will resolve this issue.
  Libraries that are always used together can be combined into a single feature
  module to be imported by their dependents. If a library is required by all
  feature modules it can be added to the base module instead.