
A tiny progress bar, inspired by YouTube's loader!

Primary LanguageJavaScript


The idea is a little Svelte component that shows a cool progress bar, like what's on YouTube, or this cool thing.

You can use it in your plain old web app, without bundling it, like this:

<script src="ProgressBar.min.js"></script>
const progress = new ProgressBar({
	target: document.querySelector('body')

Or to include it in your bundled web app:

import ProgressBar from 'svelte-progress-bar'
// or
const ProgressBar = require('svelte-progress-bar')
// then
const progress = new ProgressBar({
	target: document.querySelector('body')

If you were using a web app with a page change event emitter, it might look like:

const router = // the page/state change event emitter
router.on('stateChangeStart', () => {
router.on('stateChangeEnd', () => {

Or if you had some progress event emitter that actually told you the percent of progress, you might set the progress bar width manually with something like this:

const dataLoad = // some sort of data load progress event emitter
dataLoad.on('percentDone', percent => {
	progress.setWidthRatio(percent / 100) // must be a ratio
dataLoad.on('end', () => {

Or if you are using the progress bar inside a Svelte template, you might use it like this:

<ProgressBar width="{width}" />

import ProgressBar from 'svelte-progress-bar'
export default {
	components: { ProgressBar }
	// somewhere later: this.setWidthRatio(0.4)

bar color

The progress bar does not have a default color, so you will need to set one. You can either set the color as a data property or override the CSS.


const progress = new ProgressBar({
	target: document.querySelector('body'),
	data: { color: '#0366d6' }

Svelte component:

<ProgressBar width="{{width}}" color="#0366d6" />


.svelte-progress-bar, .svelte-progress-bar-leader {
	background-color: #0366d6;
.svelte-progress-bar-leader {
	color: #0366d6;

other styles

If you are using some type of navbar at the top of the page, like Bootstrap's, it is likely that you will need to change the z-index to get the progress bar to appear over the navbar:

.svelte-progress-bar {
	z-index: 100;
.svelte-progress-bar-leader {
	z-index: 101;


The properties available are:

  • minimum (number, range: 0-1, default: 0.08): The starting percent width to use when the bar starts. Starting at 0 doesn't usually look very good.
  • maximum (number, range: 0-1, default: 0.994): The maximum percent width value to use when the bar is at the end but not marked as complete. Letting the bar stay at 100% width for a while doesn't usually look very good either.
  • intervalTime (number, default: 800): Milliseconds to wait between incrementing bar width when using the start (auto-increment) method.
  • settleTime (number, default: 700): Milliseconds to wait after the complete method is called to hide the progress bar. Letting it sit at 100% width for a very short time makes it feel more fluid.


These additional methods are available on an instantiated progress bar:

  • start(): Set the width to the minimum and increment until maximum width.
  • complete(): Set the width to 100% and then hide after settleTime.
  • reset(): Set the width to minimum but do not start incrementing.
  • continue(): Start incrementing from whatever the current width is.
  • stop(): Stop incrementing and take no further action.
  • setWidthRatio(ratio: number): Stop auto-incrementing and manually specify the width.


Published and released under the Very Open License.