
This repository will eventually contain source code to analyze short Python programs.

Task 1

  • Create a small repository (~1000 codes) of Python programs attempting student submissions.

Datasets like these should be helpful to get you started.

  • Write a script such that for every program in your repository, you replace every existing function call with foo(). For instance, if your program reads -
def count_list_repeats(li):
    x = 5
    verify_results(li, x)

it should automatically get converted to -

def count_list_repeats(li):
    x = 5
    foo(li, x)

Are there special/edge cases to consider? What challenges can you face while attempting to solve this?

  • Hint: Do not be tempted to use a regular expression/grep like strategy to make these replacements. Look up what abstract syntax trees of programs are. Modify them to achieve this functionality.

  • Have at least one plot, or one table which summarizes relevant statistics from the dataset. To begin with, for the task mentioned above, ask yourself what statistics you think are even relevant and would want answered?

  • Evaluation -- How will you evalute whether your algorithm/strategy covers all cases? It could well be we're unsure of this no matter what we do.


  • Do not fork this repo. Work on a local copy. Make it a habit to push changes upstream to your repo as frequently as feasible.
  • Use Python3.7+ for this work.
  • We workship the lords of reproducability of results. Use conda to create an environment and set up your repository.
  • Use a .gitignore file to ensure you are not adding junk files to the repo.
  • Have a ./src/ folder containing the source.
  • Have a ./env/ folder containing the Conda environment file you create for this project.
  • Have a ./data/ folder containing all the data your source accesses.
  • Have a ./tests/ folder to write out unit tests for key functions. Look up the unittest package in Python if you haven't used it before.
  • Keep updating this README with instructions which will help with the reproducability of your work/results.

Setting these up can be a little painful and time consuming. Wade through it. Focus on getting the core functionality right first, though.


  • Have a working prototype
  • (We will) assess how well you scope and assess the different components involved which will solve this problem
  • Assess how you divide your labor into the components you identify. Remember, there's a time budget of ~2 days.
  • Assess how you wiggle out of situations when you're stuck.
  • Assess how well you communicate and let all stakeholders know of your progress.